313. The bayonet exercise in this book will be confined to two movements, the guard  against infantry, and the guard against cavalry. The men will be placed in one rank, with two paces interval, and, being at shoulder arms, the instructor will command: 

1. Guard against Infantry. 2. GUARD. 

One time and two motions. 

314. (First motion.) Make a half face to the right, turning on both heels, the feet square  to each other; at the same time raise the piece slightly, and seize it with the left hand above and  near the lower band.

315. (Second motion.) Carry the right foot twenty inches perpendicularly to the rear, the  right heel on the prolongation of the left, the knees slightly bent, the weight of the body resting  equally on both legs; lower the piece with both hands, the barrel uppermost, the left elbow  against the body; seize the piece at the same time with the right hand at the small of the stock,  the arms falling naturally, the point of the bayonet slightly elevated. 


One time and one motion. 

316. Throw up the piece with the left hand, and place it against the right shoulder, at the  same time bring the right heel by the side of the left and face to the front. 

1. Guard against Cavalry. 2. GUARD. 

One time and two motions. 

317. Both motions the same as for guard against infantry except that the right hand will  be supported against the hip, and the bayonet held at the height of the eye, as in charge bayonet


One time and one motion. 

318. Spring up the piece with the left hand and place it against the right shoulder, at the  same time bring the right heel by the side of the left, and face to the front.