268. The firings are direct or oblique, and will be executed as follows:
269. The instructor will give the following commands:
1. Fire by Squad. 2. Squad. 3. READY. 4. AIM. 5. FIRE. 6. LOAD.
270. These several commands will be executed as has been prescribed in the Manual of Arms. At the third command, the men will come to the position of ready, as heretofore explained. At the fourth they will aim according to the rank in which each may find himself placed, the rearwards men inclining forward a little the upper part of the body, in order that their pieces may reach as much beyond the front-rank as possible.
271. At the sixth command, they will load their pieces and return immediately to the position of ready.
272. The instructor will recommence the firing by the commands:
1. Squad. 2. AIM. 3. FIRE. 4. LOAD.
273. When the instructor wishes the firing to cease he will command:
274. At this command the men will cease firing, but will load their pieces if unloaded, and afterward bring them to a shoulder.
275. The oblique firings will be executed to the right and left, and by the same commands as the direct fire, with this single difference – the command aim will always be preceded by the caution, right or left oblique.
276. At the command ready, the two ranks will execute what has been prescribed for the direct fire.
277. At the cautionary command, right oblique, the two ranks will throw back the right shoulder, and look steadily at the object to be hit.
278. At the command aim, each front-rank man will aim to the right without deranging the feet; each rear-rank man will advance the left foot about eight inches toward the right heel of the man next on the right of his file leader, and aim to the right, inclining the upper part of the body forward, and bending a little the left knee.
279. At the cautionary command left oblique, the two ranks will throw back the left shoulder, and look steadily at the object to be hit.
280. At the command aim, the front-rank will take aim to the left without deranging the feet; each man in the rear-rank will advance the right foot, about eight inches toward the right heel of the man next on the right of his file leader, and aim to the left, inclining the upper part of the body forward, and bending a little the right knee.
281. In both cases, at the command load, the men of each rank will come to the position of load as prescribed in the direct fire; the rear-rank men bringing back the foot which is to the right and front by the side of the other. Each man will continue to load as if isolated.
282. The fire by file will be executed by the two ranks, the files of which will fire successively, and without regulating on each other, except for the first fire. 283. The instructor will command:
1. Fire by file. 2. Squad. 3. READY. 4. COMMENCE FIRING.
284. At the third command, the two ranks will take the position prescribed in the direct fire.
285. At the fourth command, the file on the right will aim and fire; the rear-rank man in aiming will take the position indicated No. 183.
286. The men of this file will load their pieces briskly and fire a second time; reload and fire again, and so on in continuation.
287. The second file will aim, at the instant the first brings down pieces to reload, and will conform in all respects to that which has just been prescribed for the first file. 288. After the first fire, the front and rear-rank men will not be required to fire at the same time.
289. Each man, after loading, will return to the position of ready and continue the fire. 290. When the instructor wishes the fire to cease, he will command:
291. At this command, the men will cease firing. If they have fired, they will load their pieces and bring them to a shoulder; if at the position of ready, they will half-cock and shoulder arms. If in the position of aim, they will bring down their pieces, half-cock, and shoulder arms.
292. The fire by rank will be executed by each entire rank, alternately.
293. The instructor will command:
1. Fire by rank. 2. Squad. 3. READY. 4. Rear rank. 5. AIM. 6. FIRE. 7. LOAD.
294. At the third command, the two ranks will take the position of ready, as prescribed in the direct fire.
295. At the seventh command, the rear-rank will execute that which has been prescribed in the direct fire, and afterward take the position of ready.
296. As soon as the instructor sees several men of the rear-rank in the position of ready, he will command:
1. Front rank. 2. AIM. 3. FIRE. 4. LOAD.
297. At these commands, the men in the front-rank will execute what has been prescribed for the rear-rank, but they will not step off with the right foot.
298. The instructor will recommence the firing by the rear-rank, and will thus continue to alternate from rank to rank, until he shall wish the firing to cease, when he will command, cease firing which will be executed as heretofore prescribed.