362. The rank being at a halt, and correctly aligned, the instructor will command: 1. Squad, right—FACE. 2. Forward. 3. MARCH.

363. At the last part of the first command, the rank will face to the right; the even numbered men, after facing to the right, will step quickly to the right side of the odd numbered  men, the latter standing fast, so that when the movement is executed, the men will be formed into  files of two men abreast. 

364. At the third command, the squad will step off smartly with the left foot; the files  keeping aligned, and preserving their intervals. 

365. The march by the left flank will be executed by the same commands, substituting  the word left for right, and by inverse means; in this case, the even numbered men, after facing to  the left will stand fast, and the odd numbered will place themselves on their left. 

366. The instructor will place a well instructed soldier by the side of the recruit who is at  the head of the rank, to regulate the step, and to conduct him; and it will be enjoined on this  recruit to march always elbow to elbow with the soldier. 

367. The instructor will cause to be observed in the march, by the flank, the following  rules: 

That the step be executed according to the principles prescribed for the direct step; 

Because these principles, without which men placed elbow to elbow, in the same rank,  cannot preserve unity and harmony of movement, are of a more necessary observance in marching in file. 

That the head of the man who immediately precedes, covers the heads of all who are  in front; 

Because it is the most certain rule by which each man may maintain himself in the exact  line of the file. 

368. The instructor will place himself habitually five or six paces on the flank of the rank  marching in file, to watch over the execution of the principles prescribed above. He will also  place himself sometimes in its rear, halt, and suffer it to pass fifteen or twenty paces, the better to  see whether the men cover each other accurately. 

369. When he shall wish to halt the rank, marching by the flank, and to cause it to face to  the front, he will command: 

1. Squad. 2. HALT. 3. FRONT. 

370. At the second command, the rank will halt, and afterward no man will stir, although  he may have lost his distance. This prohibition is necessary, to habituate the men to a constant  preservation of their distances. 

371. At the third command, each man will front by facing to the left, if marching by the  right flank and by a face to the right, if marching by the left flank. The rear-rank men will at the  same time move quickly into their places, so as to form the squad again into one rank. 

372. When the men have become accustomed to marching by the flank, the instructor  will cause them to change direction by file; for this purpose, he will command: 

1. By file left (or right). 2. MARCH.

373. At the command march, the first file will change direction to the left (or right) in  describing a small are of a circle, and will then march straight-forward; the two men of this file,  in wheeling, will keep up the touch of the elbows, and the man on the side to which the wheel is  made, will shorten the first three or four steps. Each file will come successively to wheel on the  game spot where that which preceded it wheeled. 

374. The instructor will also cause the squad to face by the right or left flank in marching, and for this purpose will command: 

1. Squad by the right (or left) flank. 2. MARCH. 

375. At the second command, which will be given a little before either foot comes to the  ground, the recruits will turn the body, plants the foot that is raised in the new direction, and step  off with the other foot without altering the cadence of the step; the men will double or undouble  rapidly. 

376. If, in facing by the right or the left flank, the squad should face to the rear, the men  will come into one rank, agreeably to the principles indicated No. 371. It is to be remarked, that  it is the men who are in the rear who always move up to form into single rank, and in such  manner as never to invert the order of the numbers in the rank. 

377. If, when the squad has been faced to the rear, the instructor should cause it to face  by the left flank, it is the even numbers who will double by moving to the left of the odd  numbers; but if by the right flank, it is the odd numbers who will double to the right of the even  numbers. 

378. This lesson, like the preceding one, will be practised with pieces at a shoulder; but  the instructor may, to give relief by change, occasionally order support arms, and be will require  of the recruits marching in this position as much regularity as in the former. 

379. If the instructor should wish merely to face the squad by the flank, without marching forward, he will command: 

1. Squad by the right (or left) flank. 2. HALT. 

380. At the command halt, the recruit will face as prescribed, No. 375; he will then place  the foot that is raised by the side of the other. 


381. The principles of the march by the flank in double quick time, are the same as in  quick time. The instructor will give the commands prescribed No. 362, taking care always to  give the command double quick before that of march. 

382. He will pay the greatest attention to the cadence of the step. 

383. The instructor will cause the change of direction, and the march by the flank, to be  executed in double quick time, by the same commands, and according to the same principles, as  in quick time. 

384. The instructor will cause the pieces to be carried either on the right shoulder or at a  trail. 

385. The instructor will sometimes march the squad by the flank, without doubling the  files.

386. The principles of this march are the same as in two ranks, and it will always be  executed in quick time. 

387. The instructor will give, the commands prescribed, No. 362, but he will be careful to  caution the squad not to double files. 

388. The instructor will be watchful that the men do not bend their knees unequally,  which would cause them to tread on the heels of the men in front, and also to lose the cadence of  the step and their distances. 

389. The various movements in this lesson will be executed in single rank. In the  changes of direction, the leading man will change direction without altering the length or the  cadence of the step. The instructor will recall to the attention of the men, that in facing by the  right or left flank in marching, they will not double, but march in one rank.