Dress Parade

Forming of the Company according to the standards prescribed by the Brigade Staff of the UEC. 

Placement of NCOs in the formation of the company 

  1. 2 Corporals will stand in the centre of the company in the front rank (i.e., where the two platoons would historically begin/end) 
  2. 1st Sergeant will be placed on the right flank of the company.
  3. 2nd Sergeant will be placed on the left flank of the company. 
  4. 3rd Sergeant will be placed behind the company in between the 1st Lt on the left and the 2nd Lt on the right of the company. 
  5. 2nd Lieutenant will be placed behind the company on the right 
  6. 1st Lieutenant will be placed behind the company on the left 
  7. Captain will be placed on the right flank in the front rank

Forming the Battalion according to the standards prescribed by the Brigade Staff of the UEC. 

Placement of Senior Officers in the Line of Battle 

  1. The Colonel shall be placed in the centre of the battalion battle line (behind the colours) about 15 paces to the rear. 
  2. The Junior Major shall be placed in the centre of the line, about 15 paces to the rear slightly to the right of the Colonel. 
  3. The Lieutenant Colonel shall be placed in the centre of the right wing of the battalion about 10 paces to the rear. 
  4. The Major shall be placed in the centre of the left wing of the battalion about 10 paces to the rear. 
  5. The Adjutant shall be placed to the right of the Lieutenant Colonel, roughly in between 1st and 2nd Company (so that he may be able to communicate with those two companies with ease) about 10 paces to the rear. 
  6. The Sergeant Major shall be placed to the left of the Major roughly in between 9th and 10th Company (Company (so that he may be able to communicate with those two companies with ease) about 10 paces to the rear. 
  7. The Field Music shall be placed slightly to the left of the centre of the battalion battle line about 10 paces to the rear. 
  8. Left/Right guide shall be placed at the left and right wing of the battalion. 

Placement of Senior Officers during Dress Parade

  1. The Colonel will place himself 20 paces to the front of the Battalion and will face the centre of the battalion. 
  2. The Junior Major will remain in position in the centre of the line 15 paces to the rear. 
  3. The Lieutenant Colonel will remain in position in the centre of the line 10 paces to the rear.
  4. The Major will remain in position in the centre of the line 10 paces to the rear. 
  5. The Adjutant will place himself two steps to the right of 1st company at the hight of the front rank.
  6. The Sergeant Major will place himself two steps to the left of last company at the hight of the front rank. 
  7. The Field Music will place themselves to the right of the adjutant 
  8. The Left/Right Guide remain in position at the flank of 1st and Last company and will be flanked themselves by the Adjutant on the right and the Sergeant Major on the left flank of the battalion. 
  9. After the companies are formed and align in the battalion they will use the right shoulder shift
  10. The Adjutant will tell the captain of the first company to “bring order your to your ranks”
  11. The Adjutant will order the music to beat of. They will commence playing music while moving from the right flank of the line to the left and back to their post.
  12. When the music has ceased, the Adjutant will step two paces the front, face to the left, and command,
  13. 1. Attention! 2. Battalion. 3. Shoulder-ARMS! 4. Prepare to open ranks! 5. To the rear, open order! 6..MARCH!
  14. On the 5th command the Sergeants to the right and left end of the company will move 4 paces (enough space that a man can pass between rear and front rank without any problems) to the rear and align on each other. 
  15. On 6th command the Privates in the rear rank will move between the Sergeants starting on both ends simultaneously.
  16.  the commissioned officers marching to the front, the company officers four paces, field officers six paces, opposite to their positions in the order of battle, where they will halt and dress.
  17. The Adjutant, seeing the ranks aligned, will command ,FRONT’
  18. on the command “Front” the Sergeants will move to the frontrank
  19. The Adjutant will march forward to the centre of the battalion where he will face the Colonel and march in his general direction until he is in front of the officers. He Will face about and give the order “Present – ARMS”
  20. The Adjutant will face about to the Colonel, salute, and report, “Sir, the parade is formed.”
  21. After that he will take his position 3 paces to the left of the Colonel and on behind him passing around his rear.
  22. after the Adjutant has taken his post the Colonel will draw his sword, and command,  1. Battalion. 2. Shoulder-ARMs!
  23. The Adjutant will now pass round the right of the commanding officer, advance upon the line, halt midway between him and the line of company officers, and command, 1. First Sergeants, to the front and centre. 2. MARCH! At the first command, they will shoulder arms as Sergeants, march two paces to the front, and face inward. At the second command, they will march to the centre, and halt. The Adjutant will then order, 1. Front-FACE. 2. Report.
  24. On the 2nd order the 1st Sergeant on the right will salute and give a short report “X (company number) Company, all men present and accounted for, Sir”. When he is done he will shoulder arms and the next sergeant in line will repeat that until all sergeants gave their report to the Adjutant.
  25. The Adjutant again commands, 1. First Sergeants, outward-FACE! 2. To your posts-MARCH! when they will resume their places, and order arms. The Adjutant will now face to the colonel, and will report “all men present and accounted for, Sir” and will take his position on the side of the colonel again.
  26. The colonel takes over with the command 1. close order 2. MARCH
  27. On 1st order all officers will take their place in the line of battle
  28. On 2nd order the rear rank will step forward to get behind the front rank.
  • Reminder: On the command cease fire all enlisted men and NCOs return to the shoulder arms in preparation of a change in firing or movement command. 
  • Reminder: The Adjutant will tell the captain of the 1st Company something along the line “Bring order to your ranks” which will prompt the captain of said company to bring his men to the parade rest by giving the commands “Shoulder Arms, Order Arms, Parade Rest” (The “Shoulder Arms” is necessary as we are standing in the “Support Arms (in our case “Right Shoulder Shift, Arms”)). 

Quick Notes:


Places himself 20 paces in front of Battalion facing Battalion (i.e. in front of Colors)
(make sure to carry fieldglasses → not the sword or revolver)

Takes report of the Adjudant „Sir, the parade is formed“
Adjudant moves around Colonel, takes position left behind Colonel.

Once Adjudant reached position – > draw Sword!
(You are now in command)
On this command the Adjudant will move around the Colonel to position infront of Colonel to the right facing Battalion.
Adj. Commands:
„1st Sergeants to the front and center“
Adj. will report:
„all men present and accounted for, Sir“

Salute back
– – – welcoming speech if you like – – –
„Battalion. Close order – MARCH“
(maybe/maybe not – Manual of Arms)
Parade closed

Junior Major

  • 15 paces behind the colors but a little closer to line than the colonel
  • on command “officers to your post” the Colonel will move in front of the battalion – Junior Major hold position behind the colors
  • repeat commands from here on as the Colonel is not behind the line 
  • about 15 paces behind the colors (a little further behind the line than Lt Colonel and Senior Major)
  • follow commands “attention battalion” and “shoulder arms” (which will follow afterwards
  • “to the rear open order – MARCH” – go in front of the battalion facing the colonel – be closest to the colonel
  • “present arms” – F5 for salute (as present arms is not possible as officer)
  • “shoulder arms” – follow the command
  • just stay there during the reports of 1st Sgt’s
  • “close order” – go back behind the battalion (15 paces behind flags)


When the Battalion is formed the Adjutant will place himself on the far right of the Battalion, right oft he right guide.
When he sees, that the Companies are formed (which they indicate by going into right shoulder shift)
He orderst he Captain oft he first Company to „bring ordert o your ranks“
Then he will comand the musicians to „beat of“
When the musicians are done, the Adjutant will marcht two paces forward and then turn 90 degrees tot he left, so that he looks down the line oft he battalion.
He then gives the order „Attentio – Battalion“ „Shoulder – Arms“
Now he will proceed with the commands to open ranks
„Prepare to open Ranks – to the rear open order – MARCH“
After the Ranks are opened the Adjutant gives the order „front“ for the sergeants.
He now walks down the line of the frontranks oft he battalion until he is in the center oft he battalion (indicated by the flags), then he turns 90 degrees left, so that he is facing the colonel and proceeds to walk towards him until he stands in front of him.
Then he makes an about face, orderst he battalion to „Present – Arms“, turns about face again, salutes and tells the colonel „Sir the parade is formed“
After that the Adjutant will move past the Colonel on the formers left side, turns 90 degrees to the right and walks past the colonels back until he is standing about 3 paces left of him, then he turns another 90 degrees, so that he is facing the battalion.

After the Colonel gives the command „shoulder arms“ the Adjutant turns 90 degrees right, walks past the colonels back again, trying to sneak a peek at his firm ass, turns 90 degrees left once he reached the colonels right side walks towards the battalion until he stands between the Captains and the Colonel.
He then commands „First Sergeants tot he front and center- MARCH“
Once the First Sergeants are in position the Adjutant will ordert hem to „Front – FACE“ and „report“
When the First Sergeants are done, he will order them „outward – face“ „back to your posts“
Then the Colonel takes over.

Sergeant Major

Prior to the Start of the Dress Parade, the Sergeant Major will instill and maintain order behind the left wing of the Btl’, placing himself between the 2 Coy’s on the left Wing, he will also repeat any Orders given, therefore he has to remain in hearing distance of the Senior Major, when the Order is issued ‘Officers/Btl’Staff to your Posts’ the SgtMaj will take his Position on the far left side of the Formation. On the Order ‘Close Order March’ he will return back to his Position behind the Left Wing of the Btl’ and will continue to act as above.

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