1218. It may often be necessary to cause a battalion to manœuvre by the rear rank: when the case presents itself, the following rules will be observed:
1219. The battalion being by the front rank, when the colonel shall wish to manœuvre by the rear rank, he will command:
1. Face by the rear rank. 2. Battalion. 3. About—FACE.
1220. If the battalion be deployed, this movement will be executed as has been indicated for the fire by the rear rank.
0-1221. In this case, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 61.
1222. If the battalion be in column by company, or by platoon, right or left in front, the chiefs of subdivision, to take their new places in column, will each pass by the left flank of his subdivision, and the file closers by the right flank; the guides will place themselves in the rear rank.
1223. If the column be formed by division, the chiefs of division will each pass by the interval in the centre of his division, and the file closers by the outer flanks of their respective companies; the junior captain in each division will step into the rear rank, and be covered in the front rank by the covering sergeant of the left company.
1224. The lieutenant-colonel will place himself abreast with the leading subdivision, and the senior major abreast with the rearmost one.
0-1225. The platoon columns, at the first command, will be marched around the flanks of the battalion column, and take position, such that the first platoon column shall occupy with reference to the battalion column, the same position that the second did before the column faced; and in a similar manner, the second a position like that the first had before the facing of the battalion.
1226. The battalion being faced by the rear rank, companies, divisions, and wings, will preserve their prior denominations respectively.
1227. The manœuvres by the rear rank will be executed by the same commands and on the same principles as if the battalion faced by the front rank, but in such manner that when the battalion shall be brought to its proper front, all the subdivisions may find themselves in their regular order from right to left.
1228. According to this principle, when a column faced by the rear rank is deployed, the subdivisions which, in line of battle by the front rank, ought to find themselves on the right of the subdivision on which the deployment is made, will face to the left; and those which ought to be placed on its left, will face to the right.
1229. When a battalion in line of battle, faced by the rear rank, is to be ployed into column, the colonel will announce, in the commands, left or right in front, according as it may be intended that the first or last subdivision shall be at the head of the column, because the first subdivision is on the left, and the last on the right of the battalion faced by the rear rank. The column by the rear rank will take the guide to the right, if the first subdivision be in front, and to the left in the reverse case.
1230. A column faced by the rear rank will be brought to its proper front by the means heretofore prescribed. If the column be formed by company, or by platoon, the chiefs of subdivision, in order to take their new places in column, will pass by the left of subdivisions, now right, and the file closers by the right, now left.