ARTICLE XV. – The rally.

1212. The battalion being in line of battle, the colonel will sometimes cause the disperse to be sounded, at which signal, the battalion will break and disperse.

1213. When the colonel shall wish to rally the battalion, he will cause to the color to be sounded, and at the same time place two markers and the color-bearer in the direction he may wish to give the battalion.

1214. Each captain will rally his company about six paces in rear of the place it is to occupy in line of battle.

1215. The colonel will cause the color-company to be promptly established against the markers, and each company, by the command of its captain, will be aligned on the color-company, according to the principles heretofore prescribed.

1216. When the colonel shall wish to rally the battalion in column, he will cause the assembly to be sounded, and place two markers before the position to be occupied by the first company; the captain of this company will rally his company in rear of the two markers, and each of the other captains will rally his company at platoon distance, behind the one which should precede it in the order in column.

0-1217. In rallying, either in line or column, at the signal, the companies of skirmishers will at once take their proper positions.

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