999. A battalion being in column by company, at half distance, right in front, and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to form it into square, he will first cause divisions to be formed; which being done, he will command:
1. Form square. 2. Right and left into line, wheel.
1000. At the first command, the file closers of each company of the fourth division, passing by the outer flanks of their companies, will place themselves two paces before the front rank, opposite to their respective places, in line of battle, and faced toward the head of the column. The music, formed in two ranks, will place itself at platoon distance behind the inner platoons of the second division.
1001. The lieutenant-colonel will face the left guides, the senior major, placing himself on the right of the column abreast with the first division, will face the right guides, they will align them from the front, on the respective guides of the fourth division, who will stand fast, holding up their pieces, inverted, perpendicularly; the right guides, in placing themselves on the direction, will take their exact distances; the guides of the second division taking care to take their distance from the rear rank of the first.
0-1002. At the same command, the platoon columns will be faced to the left; each chief and guide will place himself as prescribed No. 879. The columns will take the double quick step. The first platoon column will be conducted to the rear, and the second diagonally to the front: they will take a position in rear of the inner platoons of the division next to the last; the front rank of the leading platoons of the columns, four paces from the rear rank of the division, and the first platoon column on the right of the second.
0-1003. The junior major will place himself four paces in rear of the centre of the platoon columns.
1004. At the second command, the chief of the first division will caution it to stand fast; all the captains of the second and third divisions will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and caution them that they will have to wheel, the right companies to the right, and the left companies to the left into line of battle.
1005. The color-bearer will step back into the line of file closers, opposite to his place in line of battle, and will be replaced by the corporal of his file, who is in the rear rank; the corporal of the same file who is in the rank of file closers will step into the rear rank.
1006. The chief of the fourth division will command: 1. Fourth division, forward. 2. Guide left, and place himself at the same time two paces outside of its left flank.
1007. At the same, the junior major will command: 1. Skirmishers forward. 2. Guide centre.
1008. These dispositions ended, the colonel will command:
3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1009. At this command, briskly repeated, the first division will stand fast; but its right file will face to the right, and its left file to the left.
1010. The companies of the second and third divisions will wheel to the right and left into line, and the music will advance a space equal to the front of a company.
1011. The fourth division will close up to form the square, and when it shall have closed, its chief will halt it, face it about, and align it by the rear rank upon the guides of the division, who will, for this purpose, remain faced to the front. The junior captain will pass into the rear rank, now become the front, and the covering sergeant of the left company will place himself behind him in the front rank, become rear. The file-closers will, at the same time, close up a pace on the front rank, and the outer file on each flank of the division will face outward.
0-1012. At the same command, the skirmishers will advance a distance equal to a company front, the guide in the centre directing himself on the centre of the first front of the square.
1013. The square being formed, the colonel will command: Guides—POSTS.
1014. At this command, the chiefs of the first and fourth, and the guides of all the divisions, will enter the square.
1015. The captains whose companies have formed to the right into line, will remain on the left of their companies; the left guide of each of those companies will, in the rear rank, cover his captain, and the covering sergeant of each will place himself as a file closer behind the right file of his company.
1016. The field and staff will enter the square, the lieutenant-colonel placing himself behind the left, and the senior major behind the right of the first division, the junior major in rear of the centre of the skirmishers.
1017. A battalion ought never to present, near the enemy’s cavalry, an odd company. The odd company, under that circumstance, ought, when the battalion is under arms, to be consolidated, for the time, with the other companies.
1018. The fronts of the square will be designated as follows: the first division will always be the first front; the last division, the fourth front; the right companies of the other divisions will form the second front; and the left companies of the same divisions the third front.
1019. A battalion being in column by company, at half distance, right in front, and in march, when the colonel shall wish to form square, he will first cause divisions to be formed, which being executed, he will command:
1. Form square. 2. Right and left into line, wheel. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1020. At the first command, the chief of the first division will caution it to remain faced to the front, and will command: First division. All the captains of the second and third divisions will rapidly place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and caution them that they will have to wheel, the right companies to the right, and the left companies to the left into line. The chief of the fourth division will caution it to continue its In arch, and will hasten to its left flank. The file closers and music will execute what is prescribed No. 1000.
1021. At the second command, the color-bearer, and the corporals of his file will execute what is prescribed No. 1005.
1022. At the third command, briskly repeated, the chief of the first division will command: Halt, and align his division to the left; the outer files will face to the right and left. The rest of the movement will be executed as prescribed Nos. 1010 and following.
1023. The lieutenant-colonel and the senior major, at the command march, will conform to what is prescribed No. 1001.
0-1024. The platoon columns will execute what has been prescribed for them, when forming square from a halt. They will move on a run to take their places in column.
1025. If the battalion, before the square is formed, be in double column, the two leading companies will form the first front, the two rear companies the fourth; the other companies of the right half battalion will form the second, and those of the left half battalion the third front.
0-1026. If the square is formed from double column, at the first command, the platoon columns will be faced to the left and right, or by the left and right flanks respectively, and proceed to take the positions prescribed No. 1002.
1027. The first and fourth fronts will be commanded by the chiefs of the first and fourth divisions; each of the other two by its senior captain.
1028. The commander of each front will place himself four paces behind the centre of its present rear rank, and will be replaced momentarily in the command of his company by the next in rank therein.
1029. If the column be at full instead of half distance, as has been supposed, the colonel will first cause divisions to be formed, and will then command:
1. To form square. 2. To half distance close column. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
0-1030. At the first command, the platoon columns will be put in march, and they will take the positions prescribed No. 1002, as soon as the division next to the last has its distance.
1031. At the command march, the column will close to company distance, the second division taking its distance from the rear rank of the first division.
1032. The senior major will place himself on the right of the column, abreast with the first division. The music will place themselves as prescribed No. 1000.
1033. At the moment of halting the fourth division, the file closers will place themselves as prescribed No. 1000.
1034. These dispositions being made, the colonel may, according to circumstances, put the column in march, or cause it to form square; if he wish to do the latter, it will be executed by the commands and means prescribed No. 999 and following.
1035. A battalion being in column by company, at full distance, right in front, and ill march, when the colonel shall wish to form square, he will cause to be executed what is indicated Nos. 1029 and 1030.
1036. At the command march, the column will close to company distance, as is prescribed No. 332. When the chief of the fourth division shall command: Quick, march, the file closers of this division will place themselves before the front rank.
1037. The senior major and the music will conform to what is prescribed No. 1000.
1038. If the colonel shall wish to form square, it will be executed by the commands indicated No. 1019, and the means prescribed No. 1020, and following.
1039. If the column by division, whether double or simple, be in mass, and the colonel shall wish to form it into square, he will first cause it to take company distance; to this effect he will command:
1. To form square. 2. By the head of column, take half distance.
1040. The divisions will take half distance by the means indicated No. 386 and following. What is prescribed No. 1032 will be executed as the first and second divisions are put in motion.
1041. The colonel will halt the column the moment the last division shall have its distance. As soon as the column is halted, the dispositions indicated No. 1033 will be executed, and when these are completed, the colonel may proceed to form square. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
0-1042. At the first command, the platoon columns will be put in march toward their places in column, and they will take the places prescribed No. 1002, as soon as the division next to the last has its distance.
1043. If the column be in march, the colonel will also, in the first place, cause company distance to be taken and, for this purpose, will command:
1. To form square. 2. By the head of column, take half distance. 3. MARCH.
1044. This movement will be executed as prescribed No. 394 and following. What is prescribed No. 1032 will be executed as the first and second divisions are put in motion.
1045. The colonel will proceed to form square the moment the last division shall have its distance; and by the commands indicated No. 1019, and the means prescribed No. 1020 and following. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
0-1046. The platoon columns will execute what is prescribed No. 1024, and take their places in column as soon as the last division has its distance.
1047. In a simple column, left in front, these several movements will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means; but the fronts of the square will have the same designations as if the right of the column were in front, that is, the first division will constitute the first front, and thus of the other subdivisions.
0-1048. If the left is in front, the platoon columns will take their places in rear of the inner platoons of the second division.
1049. The battalion being formed into square, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to advance a distance less than thirty paces, he will command:
1. By (such) front, forward. 2. MARCH.
1050. If it be supposed that the advance be made by the first front, the chief of this front will command:
1. First division, forward. 2. Guide centre.
1051. The chief of the second front will face his front to the left. The captains of the companies composing this front will place themselves outside, and on the right of their left guides, who will replace £hem in the front rank: the chief of the third front will face his front to the right, and the captains in this front will place themselves outside, and on the left of their covering sergeants; the chief of the fourth front will face his front about, and command: 1. Fourth division, forward; 2. Guide centre. The captain who is in the centre of the first front, will be charged with the direction of the march, and will regulate himself by the means indicated in the S. C., No. 89.
1052. At the command march, the square will put itself in motion; the companies marching by the flank will be careful not to lose their distances. The chief of the fourth division will cause his division to keep constantly closed on the flanks of the second and third fronts.
1053. At the first command, by the colonel, the junior major will command: 1. Skirmishers forward; 2. Guide centre. At the command march, they will .put themselves in motion.
1054. This movement will only be executed in quick time.
1055. The lieutenant-colonel will place himself in rear of the file of direction, in order to regulate his march.
1056. If the colonel should wish to halt the square, he will command:
1. Battalion. 2. HALT.
1057. At the second command, the square will halt; the fourth front will face about immediately, and without further command; the second and third fronts will face outward; the captains of companies will resume their places as in square.
1058. In moving the square forward by the second, third, or fourth fronts, the same rules will be observed.
0-1059. If the square is formed by the fourth front, the skirmishers, at the first command by the colonel, will be faced about, if by the second front, they will be faced to the right, if by the third front, they will be faced to the left.
1060. The battalion being formed into square, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to advance a greater distance than thirty paces, he will command:
1. Form column.
1061. The chief of the first front will command:
1. First division, forward. 2. Guide left.
1062. The commander of the fourth front will caution it to stand fast; the commander of the second front will cause it to face to the left, and then command: By company, by file left. The commander of the third front will cause it to face to the right, and then command: By company, by file right. At the moment the second and third fronts face to the left and right, each captain will cause to break to the rear the three leading files of his company.
0-1063. The skirmishers will be cautioned by the junior major to stand fast.
1064. These dispositions being made, the colonel will command:
3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1065. At this command, the first front will march forward; its chief will halt it when it shall have advanced a space equal to half its front, and align it by the left.
1066. The corresponding companies of the second and third fronts will wheel by file to the left and right, and march to meet each other behind the centre of the first division, and the moment they unite, the captain of each company will halt his company and face it to the front. The division being re-formed, its chief will align it by the left.
1067. The commander of the fourth front will cause it to face about: its file closers will remain before the front rank.
1068. The column being thus re-formed, the colonel may put it in march by the commands and means prescribed No. 219 and following; the right guides will preserve company distance exactly as the directing guides.
1069. When the colonel shall wish to re-form square, he will give the commands indicated No. 1019.
1070. To cause the square to march in retreat a distance greater than thirty paces, the colonel will first cause column to be formed as indicated No. 1060; and when formed, he will cause it to face by the rear rank; to this end, he will command:
1. To march in retreat. 2. Face by the rear rank. 3. Battalion about—FACE.
0-1071. At the first command by the colonel, the junior major will command: 1. Skirmishers, outward face; 2. Double quick—MARCH. At the first command, the first platoon column will face to the right, and the second to the left. At the command march, the platoon columns, conducted by the chiefs of platoon, will be filed around the right and left flanks respectively of the division, marched to the front, and filed around the flanks of the second division, facing to the rear, and covering the inner platoons of that division.
1072. At the second command, the file closers of the interior divisions will place themselves, passing by the outer flanks of their respective companies, behind the front rank opposite to their places in line of battle; the file closers of the other divisions will stand fast.
1073. At the third command, the battalion will face about; each chief of division will place himself before its rear rank, become front, passing through the interval between its two companies; the guides will step into the rear rank, now front.
1074. The column being thus disposed, the colonel may put it in march, or cause it to form square as if it were faced by the front rank. The square being formed, its fronts will preserve the same designations they had when faced by the front rank.
1075. The battalion being in square by the rear rank, when the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat or in advance, a distance less than thirty paces, he will conform to what is prescribed No. 1049 and following; otherwise, he will re-form the column according to the principles prescribed No. 1060, by marching forward the fourth front.
1076. If the square is to be marched to the front a distance greater than thirty paces, the colonel will face the column by the front rank; to this end, he will command:
1. To march in advance. 2. Face by the front rank. 3. Battalion about—FACE.
1077. Which will be executed as prescribed No. 1072 and following.
0-1078. At the first command by the colonel, the junior major will give the commands indicated No. 1071; the platoon columns will be faced outward, and be marched to their proper positions in rear of the division next to the last, as prescribed No. 1071.
1079. If the column be marching in advance, and the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat, he will command:
1. To march in retreat. 2. Battalion right about. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
0-1080. At the first command by the colonel, the junior major and skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 1071; the gait will be a double quick, or a run, as the command of the colonel is, march, or double quick march.
1081. At the second command, the file closers of the second and third divisions will place themselves rapidly before the front rank of their respective divisions. At the command march, the column will face about and move off to the rear; the chiefs of divisions and the guides will conform to what is prescribed No. 1073.
1082. If the column be marching in retreat and the colonel shall wish to march it in advance, he will command:
1. To march in advance. 2. Battalion right about. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
0-1083. At the first command, the junior major and skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 1078. The gait as indicated No. 1080.
1084. At the second command, the file closers of the second and third divisions will place themselves before the rear rank of their respective divisions; at the third, the column will face by the front rank.
1085. While marching, either in advance or retreat, the guide of the division next to the leading one, will be careful to estimate his distance from the rear rank of the one in front.
To reduce the square.
1086. The colonel, wishing to break the square, will command:
1. Reduce square. 2. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1087. This movement will be executed in the manner indicated No. 1060 and following; but the file closers of the fourth front will place themselves behind the rear rank the moment it faces about; the field and staff, the color-bearer and music, will, at the same time, return to their places in column.
0-1088. At the first command by the colonel, the skirmishers will be faced to the right by the junior major. Each chief of platoon and guide will place himself as prescribed No. 879. At the command march, the first platoon column, after clearing the flank of the division, will be conducted diagonally to the front, and the second platoon column will be conducted diagonally to the rear, to their respective positions on the flanks of the battalion column.
0-1089. The skirmishers will be rallied on the battalion in column, ready for square, by the commands indicated No. 785. The skirmishers and reserves will direct themselves on a run, around the flanks of the column, and take the position prescribed No. 1002. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
To form square from line of battle.
1090. A battalion deployed may be formed into square, in a direction either parallel or perpendicular to the line of battle.
1091. In the first case, the colonel will cause the battalion to break by division to the rear, by the right or left, and then close the column to half distance, as indicated No. 1029 and following.
1092. In the second case, he will ploy the battalion into simple column, by division at half distance in rear of the right or left division, or into column doubled on the centre, or form square forward on the two centre companies.
1093. To ploy the battalion into column upon one of the flank divisions, the colonel will command:
1. To form square. 2. Column at half distance by division. 3. On the first (or fourth) division. 4. Battalion right (or left)—FACE. 5. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1094. This movement will be executed according to the principles prescribed No. 159 and following; the division next to the leading one taking its distance from the rear rank of the one in front.
0-1095. At the third and fourth commands, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed Nos. 161 and 164. Each second platoon will ploy in rear of its first. At the command march, the first platoon column, if the ployment is on the first division, will march straight-forward, a platoon distance; the column will then be faced by the right flank, by its chief, and on arriving opposite its place in the battalion column, it will be faced again by the right flank, and take its proper position in rear of the division next to the last. The second platoon column will be marched diagonally to the rear, and be established in its proper position on the left of the first.
1096. If the battalion be marching in line of battle, and the colonel shall wish to form square in a direction perpendicular to the line of battle, he will command:
1. To form square. 2. On the first (or fourth) division, form column. 3. Battalion by the right (or left) flank. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1097. This movement will be executed according to the principle prescribed for ploying a column by division at half distance, No. 201. The chief of the first division will halt his division; at the command march.
0-1098. The companies of skirmishers will execute this movement as if from a halt, observing what follows. At the command march, the companies will face by the right flank, and each second platoon will take the double quick step or run, according to the gait of the battalion companies, in order to ploy in rear of its first platoon.
1099. If the colonel should command, prepare for square, instead of to form square, the chief of the leading subdivision will command quick time, and at the command march, by the colonel, the leading subdivision will march in quick time.
1100. To ploy the battalion into double column, the colonel will command:
1. To form square. 2. Double column at half distance. 3. Battalion inward—FACE. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1101. This movement will be executed as prescribed No. 876 and following.
0-1102. At the second and third commands, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed Nos. 877 and 879. At the command march, the columns will be conducted to positions prescribed No. 1002.
1103. The battalion being in march, to ploy it into double column to form square, the colonel will command:
1. To form square. 2. Form double column. 3. Battalion by the right and left flanks. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1104. This movement will be executed as prescribed No. 890. The chief of the leading division will halt his division at the command march, or command quick time as indicated No. 1099.
0-1105. The companies of skirmishers will execute this movement, as if from a halt, observing what is prescribed No. 1098.
1106. To form square, forward on the centre companies, the colonel will command:
1. Forward on the centre, form square. 2. Battalion, inward face. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1107. At the first command, the lieutenant-colonel will hasten to the front, and place three markers, at division or company distance from the line, according as the battalion companies are in number, eight or six; the first marker opposite the right file of the right centre company, the second opposite one of the three left files of the left centre company, the third, opposite one of the three left files of the right centre company. Each captain will place himself two paces in front of the centre of his company, the captains of the two centre companies will caution them to remain faced to the front, the others of the right wing will caution their companies to face to the left, and the others of the left wing, to the right.
1108. The music, in two ranks, will place itself at platoon distance behind the inner platoons of the two centre companies, the color-bearer will step back into the line of file closers, opposite his place in line of battle, and will be replaced as indicated No. 1005. The covering sergeants will step into the front rank.
0-1109. At the same command, the chiefs of the platoon columns will conform to what is prescribed No. 877.
1110. At the second command, the two centre companies will remain faced to the front; the others of the right wing will face to the left, and the others of the left wing will face to the right. Those captains whose companies have faced will hasten to the left and right of their companies respectively, and place themselves as prescribed Nos. 806 and 809. The captains of the companies next to the right and left centre companies, will caution them that they will wheel by file to the right and left respectively; each of the other captains whose company has faced, with the exception of those on the right and left flanks, will caution his company to follow in the trace of its leading file.
1111. The captains of the right and left companies will caution them to move straight-forward; their file closers will move around their right and left flanks, respectively, and place themselves in front of the front rank, opposite their places in line of battle. The senior captain of the two centre companies will place himself before the centre of his division, and caution it that it will have to move to the front; the junior captain will place himself as indicated No. 880.
0-1112. At the same command, the platoon columns will execute what is prescribed No. 879.
1113. At the command march, rapidly repeated by all the captains, the chief of the first division will command: Guide right, and the right guide will so direct his march, that the breast of the front-rank man of the right file will come in contact with the elbow of the right marker. The left guide, of the left centre company, will place himself on the left of his company, and the left guide of the company on the right of the right centre company, will place himself in the front rank, on the left flank of his company, as soon as able to pass.
1114. The lieutenant-colonel will place himself in a position to face the left guide of the division, when he arrives in the line, and the senior major will in like manner face the right guide. The captain of the company next to the right of the centre division, will so conduct it, that his left guide will follow in the trace of the right file of the division, and the right guide of the company next to the left of the centre division, will in like manner follow in the trace of the left file of the division. The captains of the first and last companies will conduct their companies straight-forward.
1115. When the centre division has arrived near the markers in front, the colonel will command:
1. Battalion, by the right and left flanks. 2. Halt.
1116. At the second command, the first division will halt, and be dressed to the right by its chief; its right file will face to the right, and its left file to the left; the file closers will close one pace on the rear rank. The companies which have wheeled by file to the right, will face by the right flank, their right guides, at the same time, stepping out before the right files of their respective companies, facing to the left, and covering the right guide of the first division. They will be assured in this position by the senior major. The companies which have wheeled by file to the left, will face by the left flank, their left guides stepping out at the same time before the left files of their respective companies, facing to the right, and covering the left guide of the first division. They will be assured in this position, by the lieutenant-colonel. The file-closers of the second and third fronts, will close up one pace on the rear rank.
1117. The captains of the first and last companies, at the first command, will caution them to continue the march. At the command halt, the captains will halt in their own persons and see their companies file past, and when nearly united, the captain of the first company will command: 1. First company, by the left flank. 2. Halt. The left guide passing into the rank of file closers just before the union; the captain of the last company will command: 1. Such company, by the right flank. 2. Halt.
1118. The fourth division will be aligned by the rear rank, and by the means prescribed No. 1011; the junior captain and the covering sergeant of the left company, will place themselves as indicated in the paragraph just named. The file closers, will at the same time, close up one pace on the rear rank, and the outer files on each flank of the division, will face outward.
0-1119. At the command march by the colonel, each platoon column will be conducted by its chief, diagonally to the front, in double quick time, or the run, as the gait of the battalion may be quick, or double quick time. The platoon columns will take a position in rear of the inner platoons of the first front of the square, and at the distance of the front of a company, plus four paces.
1120. The junior major will place himself as indicated No. 1003.
1121. The square being formed, the colonel will command: Guides—POSTS.
1122. At this, the dispositions will be made, as prescribed No. 1014 and following.
1123. The battalion marching in line, and the colonel wishing to form square on the centre, will command:
1. Forward on the centre form square. 2. Battalion, by the right and left flanks. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1124. This movement will be executed by the commands and means prescribed for forming square from a halt, observing what follows. At the first command, the captains of the two centre companies will caution their companies to continue the march to the front. The color rank, and general guides will take their places in the ranks, and the color-bearer will take his place as indicated No. 1005.
0-1125. At the first command, by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 891. At the command march, they will be faced by the left and right flanks respectively, and conducted to the position prescribed No. 1119.
Squares in four ranks.
1126. If the square formed in two ranks, according to the preceding rules, should not be deemed sufficiently strong, the colonel may cause the square to be formed in four ranks.
1127. The battalion being in column by company at half or full distance, right in front, and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to form square in four ranks, he will first cause divisions to be formed, which being executed, he will command:
1. To form square in four ranks. 2. To half distance, close column. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1128. At the first command, the chief of the first division will caution the right company to face to the left, and the left company to face to the right. The chiefs of the other divisions will caution their divisions to move forward.
0-1129. At the same command, the platoon columns will execute what is prescribed No. 1002, observing what follows. The chief of the first platoon column, the moment it has its place in rear of the division next to the last, will break to the rear three files from the right flank of each platoon, and the chief of the second platoon column will do the same from the left flank of each platoon of his column. At the command march, for the formation of the square, the skirmishers will move forward a platoon distance.
1130. At the command march, the right company of the first division will form into four ranks on its left file, and the left company into four ranks on its right file. The formation ended, the chief of this division will align it by the left.
1131. The other divisions will move forward and double their files marching; the right company of each division will double on its left file, and the left company on its right file. The formation completed, each chief of division will command: Guide left. Each chief will halt his division when it shall have the distance of a company front in four ranks from the preceding one, the chief of the second division, counting from the rear rank of the one in front, and will align his division by the left. At the instant the fourth division is halted, the file closers will move rapidly before its front rank.
1132. The colonel will form square, re-form column, and reduce square in four ranks, by the same commands and means as prescribed for a battalion in two ranks.
1133. If the square formed in four ranks be reduced and at a halt, and the colonel shall wish to form the battalion into two ranks, he will command:
1. In two ranks undouble files. 2. Battalion outward—FACE. 3. MARCH.
1134. At the first command, the captains will step before the centres of their respective companies, and those on the right will caution them to face to the right, and those on the left to face to the left.
1135. At the second command, the battalion will face to the right and left.
1136. At the command march, each company will undouble its files and re-form into two ranks, as indicated in the S. C., No. 387 and following. Each captain will halt his company and face it to the front. The formation completed, each chief of division will align his division by the left.
1137. At the same command, the files which are broken to the rear from the platoon columns, will be brought into line by their respective chiefs.
1138. If the column be in march, with divisions formed in four ranks, and the colonel shall wish to re-form them into two ranks, he will command:
1. Guide centre. 2. In two ranks, undouble files. 3. MARCH.
1139. The captain, placed in the centre of each division, will continue to march straight to the front, as will also the left file of the right company, and the right file of the left company. Each company will then be re-formed into two ranks, as prescribed in the S. C.
1140. The battalion being formed into two ranks, the colonel will command: Guide left (or right).
1141. The battalion being in line, to form square in four ranks on one of the flank divisions, the colonel will command:
1. To form square, in four ranks. 2. Column at half distance, by division. 3. On the first (or fourth) division. 4. Battalion, right (or left)—FACE. 5. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1142. At the second command, each chief of division will place himself before the centre of his division, and caution it to face to the right.
1143. At the fourth command, the right guide of the first division will remain faced to the front, the battalion will face to the right.
1144. At the command march, the first file of four men of the first division will face to the front, remaining doubled. All the other files of four men will step off together, and each in succession will close up to its proper distance on the file preceding it, and face to the front, remaining doubled. When the last file shall have closed, the chief of division will command: Left—DRESS.
1145. The other divisions will ploy into column in the same manner as with a battalion in two ranks, observing what follows; the chiefs of division, instead of allowing their divisions to file past them on entering the column, will continue to lead them, and as each division shall arrive on a line with the right guide of the first division, its chief will halt the right guide, who will immediately face to the front; the first file of four men will also halt at the same time and face to the front, remaining doubled. The second file will close on the first, and when closed, halt, and face to the front, remaining doubled. All the other files will execute successively what has just been prescribed for the second. When the last, file shall have closed, the chief of division will command: Left—DRESS.
0-1146. The companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 1095, taking care to break files to the rear, as indicated No. 1129.
1147. If the battalion be in march, the colonel will command:
1. To form square, in four ranks. 2. On the first division, form column. 3. Battalion, by the right flank. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1148. At the second command, each chief of division will step in front of the centre of his division and caution it to face by the right flank. The chief of the first division will caution his covering sergeant to halt, and remain faced to the front.
1149. At the command march, the battalion will face to the right; the covering sergeant of the first division will halt and remain faced to the front, the first division will then form into four ranks as heretofore prescribed. The other divisions will ploy into column in the same manner as if the movement had taken place from a halt.
0-1150. The companies of skirmishers, will execute what is prescribed No. 1098, taking care to break files to the rear, as indicated No. 1129.
1151. If the colonel should wish to form a perpendicular square in four ranks, by double column, he will command:
1. To form square, in four ranks. 2. Double column, at half distance. 3. Battalion inward—FACE. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1152. At the second command, the captains of companies will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and caution those on the right to face to the left, and those on the left to face to the right. The captain of the fifth company will caution his covering sergeant to stand fast.
1153. At the third command, the battalion will face to the left and right; at the command march, the left file of the fourth, and the right file of the fifth company, will face to the front, remaining doubled. The fourth company will close successively by file of fours on the left file, and the fifth company, in like manner, on the right file; the files will face to the front, remaining doubled. The formation completed, the chief of division will command: Right dress. The junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies.
1154. The other companies will close as prescribed for the double column in two ranks, observing what follows: each captain will halt the leading guide of his company the moment the head of his company arrives on a line with the centre of the column. In the right companies, the left guides will step into the line of file closers, and the left file of four men will face immediately to the front, remaining doubled, and by the side of the right guide of the left company. The companies will each form into four ranks, as prescribed No. 1144, the right companies on the left file, and the left companies on the right file. The formation completed, the junior captain will place himself between the two companies, and the senior will command: Right dress.
0-1155. The companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 1102, breaking files to the rear as indicated No. 1129.
1156. If the battalion be in march, the colonel will command:
1. To form square, in four ranks. 2. Form double column. 3. Battalion by the right and left flanks. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1157. At the second command, the captains will place themselves before the centres of their respective companies, and those on the right will caution them to face by the left flank, and those on the left to face by the right flank; the captain of the fifth company will caution his covering sergeant to halt, and remain faced to the front.
1158. At the command march, the fourth and fifth companies will halt. The battalion will face to the left and right; the covering sergeant of the fifth company will halt and remain faced to the front, the movement will then be executed as if the battalion was at a halt.
0-1159. The companies of skirmishers, will execute what is prescribed No. 1105.
1160. The battalion being deployed, to form square in four ranks, forward on the centre, the colonel will command:
1. Forward on the centre, in four ranks, form square. 2. Battalion inward face. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1161. This movement will be executed by the commands and means prescribed for the two-rank formation, observing what follows. At the command march, the centre division will form in four ranks, as prescribed No. 1130. The companies of the right and left wings, which wheel by file to the left and right, to form the second and third fronts of the square, will respectively, before wheeling, march straight-forward a distance equal to the front of a platoon.
0-1162. The companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed for them in the two-rank formation, taking care to conform to what is prescribed No. 1129.
1163. The battalion marching in line, to form square, forward on the centre, in four ranks. The colonel will command:
1. Forward on the centre, in four ranks, form square. 2. Battalion by the right and left flanks. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1164. This movement will be executed by the commands and means prescribed for the formation from a halt, observing what follows. At the first command, the captains of the two centre companies will caution their companies, to continue the march to the front, and at the command march, they will form in four ranks, as prescribed No. 1131.
1165. The companies of skirmishers will conform to what is prescribed No. 1125.
1166. The color-bearer, color rank, and general guides, at the command march, will take their places as prescribed No. 1005.
Oblique squares.
1167. The battalion being in line of battle, when the colonel shall wish to form the oblique square, he will command:
1. To form oblique square. 2. On the first division form, column.
1168. At the second command, the lieutenant-colonel will trace the alignment of the first division in the following manner: he will place himself before and near the right file of this division, face to the left, march twelve paces along the front rank, halt, face to the right, march twelve paces perpendicularly to the front, halt again, face to the right, and immediately place a marker at this point. The covering sergeant of the right company will step, at the same time, before its right file, face to the left, and conform the line of his shoulders to that of the shoulders of the marker established by the lieutenant-colonel. These two markers being established, the lieutenant-colonel will place a third marker on the same alignment, at the point where the left of the division will halt.
1169. The chiefs of division will place themselves in front of the centres of their divisions; the chief of the first division will immediately establish it by a wheel to the right on a fixed pivot, against the markers, and align it by the left. The chiefs of the other divisions will caution them to face to the right. The colonel will then command:
3. Battalion right—FACE. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1170. The three rear divisions will direct their march so as to place themselves at half distance from each other, and in the rear of the first division, as previously indicated, observing what follows:
1171. The chief of the second division, instead of breaking the headmost files to the rear, will break them to the front, and at the command march, will conduct his division toward the point of entrance in the column. Arrived at this point, he will halt in his own person, cause his division to wheel by file to the right, instructing the right guide to direct himself parallelly to the first division; and as soon as the left file has passed, its chief will halt the division, and align it by the left. The other divisions will break to the rear, but slightly; each will enter the column as prescribed for the second, and the moment the battalion is ployed into column, the colonel will cause it to form square.
1172. The formation of a battalion into oblique square on the left division, will be executed according to the same principles and by inverse means.
1173. Should the battalion be in march, the colonel will first cause it to halt.
1174. In the preceding example, the battalion was supposed to be deployed; but if it be already formed in column, the desired obliquity will be established by causing it to change direction by the flank; to this end, the colonel will command:
1. To form oblique square. 2. Change direction by the right (or left) flank.
1175. At the second command, the lieutenant-colonel will trace the new direction in the following manner; he will place before the right and left files of the headmost division, two markers, and a third on the prolongation of the first two, on the side of the change of direction, and at twelve paces from the flank of the column. He will then place himself before the third marker, march twelve paces perpendicularly to the front, halt, and finish tracing the new direction in the manner indicated, No. 1168.
1176. The colonel will then command:
3. Battalion right (or left)—FACE. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
1177. The change of direction having been executed, the colonel will cause the square to be formed.
1178. Should the column be in march, the colonel will first cause it to halt.
1179. Oblique squares in four ranks, will be executed by the same means, and according to the principles prescribed for the formation of squares in four ranks.
1180. Whether the battalion be ployed into simple or double column, the particular dispositions for the formation of the square will be executed as prescribed No. 1000 and following. When the division which is to form the rear of the column, is aligned, the senior major will rectify the position of the guides on the side of the column opposite the direction.
0-1181. In the formation of oblique squares, either from line or column, the companies of skirmishers will conform to the principles which have been prescribed in the formation of perpendicular squares, observing what follows. When the square is formed from column, the platoon columns will take the position indicated No. 1002, at the command march, given by the colonel, for the battalion column to change direction by a flank.
1182. In all formations of squares from columns composed of but six companies, the music will place itself one pace in rear of the file closers of the second division. If the square is formed forward on the centre from line, the music will take place one pace in rear of the file closers of the first division.
1183. It is a general principle that a column by company, which is to be formed into square, will first form divisions, and close to half distance. Nevertheless, if it find itself suddenly threatened by cavalry without sufficient time to form divisions, the colonel will cause the column to close to platoon distance, and then form square by the commands and means which have been indicated; the leading and rearmost companies will conform themselves to what has been prescribed for divisions in those positions. The other companies will form by platoon to the right and left into line of battle, and each chief of platoon, after having halted it, will place himself on the line, as if the platoon were a company, and he will be covered by the guide in the rear rank.
0-1184. At the first command for forming square, the chief of the first platoon column will deploy it on his first platoon; he will then face his company to the left or right, as the right or left may be in front, and taking the double quick step, will establish his company, at platoon distance, in front or rear of the first battalion company. The second company of skirmishers, will take a position in rear or front, of the last battalion company, by the same means. The junior major will take post in the centre of the square. When the square is reduced, the companies of skirmishers will resume their proper positions.
1185. A battalion in column at full distance, having to form a square, will always close on the leading subdivision; and a column closed in mass, will always, for the same purpose, take distances by the head. In either case, the second subdivision should be careful, in taking its distance, to reckon from the rear rank of the subdivision in front of it.
1186. If a column by company should be required to form square in four ranks, the doubling of files will always take place on the file next the guide.
0-1187. In this case, the companies of skirmishers after filing into the column, will close up, and face to the front without undoubling.
1188. When a column, disposed to form square, shall be in march, it will change direction as a column at half distance; thus, having to execute this movement, the column will take the guide on the side opposite to that to which the change of direction is to be made, if that be not already the side of the guide.
1189. A column doubled on the centre at company distance or closed in mass, may be formed into square according to the same principles as a simple column.
1190. When a battalion is ployed, with a view to the square, it will always be in rear of the right or left division, in order that it may be able to commence firing, pending the execution of the movement. The double column, also, affords this advantage, and being more promptly formed than any other, it will habitually be employed, unless particular circumstances cause a different formation to be preferred.
1191. A battalion, in square, will never use any other than the fire by file, and by rank; the color being in the line of file closers, its guard will not fall back as prescribed No. 47; it will fire like the men of the company of which it forms a part.
1192. If the square be formed in four ranks, the first two ranks will alone execute the firings prescribed above; the other two ranks will remain either at shoulder or support arms.
1193. The formation of the square being often necessary in war, and being the most complicated of the manœuvres, it will be as frequently repeated as the supposed necessity may require, in order to render its mechanism familiar to both officers and men.
1194. In the execution of this manœuvre, the colonel will carefully observe that the divers movements which it involves succeed each other without loss of time, but also without confusion; for, if the rapidity of cavalry movements requires the greatest promptitude in the formation of squares, so, on the other hand, precipitancy always results in disorder, and in no circumstance is disorder more to be avoided.
1195. If the battalion is formed in square when skirmishers are rallied, the platoons and sections will be directed by their respective chiefs, in rear of the square, which will be opened at the angles to receive them.
1196. If circumstances should prevent the angles of the square from being opened, the skirmishers will throw themselves at the feet of the front-rank men, the right knee on the ground, the butt of the piece resting on the thigh, the bayonets in a threatening position. A part may dispose themselves about the angles, where they can render good service by defending the sectors without fire. The first company of skirmishers will be attached to the first and second, and the second company, to the third and fourth fronts of the square. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
1197. When the platoons or sections placed in the interior of a square or column, are to be deployed, they will be marched out by the flank, and then, if required to cover the front, they will be moved forward, as prescribed No. 161, and following instructions for skirmishers; and as soon as they have unmasked the column or square they will be deployed. If it be required to cover the flanks of the column, or other fronts of the square, the platoons, as soon as disengaged, will be brought into line, facing outward, and then deployed, either forward, or by the flanks. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
1198. If the battalion on which the skirmishers, other than the companies of skirmishers, are rallied, be in column, ready to form square, they will take their proper places in the column, but if circumstances should prevent their so doing, they will, when the square is formed, act as prescribed for the skirmishers No. 1196. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
0-1199. When the colonel shall wish to cover by skirmishers the movements of a column preparing to form square, he will detach for this purpose one or two platoons of the companies of skirmishers. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
1200. When the colonel shall be ready to form square, he will, in order to recall the skirmishers, cause to the color to be sounded. The skirmishers in this case will move in quick, or double quick time.
Column against cavalry.
1201. When a column closed in mass has to form square, it will begin by taking company distance, but if so suddenly threatened by cavalry as not to allow time for this disposition, it will be formed in the following manner:
1202. The colonel will command:
1. Column against cavalry. 2. MARCH.
1203. At the first command, the chief of the leading division will caution it to stand fast and pass behind the rear rank; in the interior divisions each captain will promptly designate the number of files necessary to close the interval between his company and the one in front of it. The captains of the division next to the one in rear, in addition to closing the interval in front, will also close up the interval which separates this division from the last; the chief of the fourth division will caution it to face about, and its file closers will pass briskly before the front rank.
0-1204. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will immediately dispose it along the front, and right flank of the column, as indicated No. 1196, and the chief of the second platoon column, will dispose his column in like manner, along the rear, and left flank of the battalion column.
1205. At the command march, the guides of each division will place themselves rapidly in the line of file-closers. The first division will stand fast, the fourth will face about, the outer file of each of these divisions will then face outward; in the other divisions the files designated for closing the intervals will form to the right and left into line, but in the division next to the rearmost one, the first files that come into line will close to the right or left until they join the rear division. The files of each company which remain in column will close on their outer files, formed into line, in order to create a vacant space in the middle of the column.
1206. If the column be in march, the column against cavalry will be formed by the same commands and means. At the command march, the first and fourth divisions will halt, and the latter division will face about; the interior divisions will conform to what has been prescribed above.
1207. The battalion being no longer threatened by the cavalry, the colonel will command:
1. Form column. 2. MARCH.
1208. At the command march, the files in column will close to the left and right, to make room for those in line, who will retake their places in column by stepping backward, except those closing the interval between the two rear divisions, who will take their places in column by a flank movement. The fourth division will face about, the guides will resume their places.
1209. At the command march, the companies of skirmishers will retake their places.
1210. If the colonel should be so pressed as not to have time to order bayonets to be fixed, the men will fix them, without command or signal, at the cautionary command, column against cavalry.
1211. As this manœuvre is often used in war, and with decided advantage, the colonel will frequently cause it to be executed, in order to render it familiar.