874. This movement consists in ploying the corresponding companies of the right and left wings into column at company distance, or closed in mass, in rear of the two centre companies, according to the principles prescribed, Article Third, Part Second, of this School.
875. The colonel, wishing to form the double column at company distance (the battalion being in line of battle), will command:
1. Double column, at half distance. 2. Battalion, inward—FACE. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
876. At the first command, the captains will place themselves two paces in front of their respective companies; the captains of the two centre companies will caution them to stand fast, and the other captains will caution their companies to face to the left and right, respectively. The covering sergeants will step into the front rank.
0-877. At the same command, each chief of platoon of the companies of skirmishers will step in front of his platoon, and the captain of the first company will immediately ploy his first platoon, in close order, in front of its second, and the captain of the second company, his second platoon, in close order, in rear of its first.
878. At the second command, the fourth and fifth companies will stand fast; the others of the right wing will face to the left, and the others of the left wing will face to the right; each captain whose company has faced, will hasten to break to the rear the two files at the head of his company; the left guide of each right company, and the right guide of each left company, will each place himself at the head of its front rank, and the captain by the side of his guide.
0-879. At the same command, the first platoon column will face to the left, and the second to the right. Each guide will place himself in front of the front-rank man of the leading file of his platoon, and each chief by the side of his guide.
880. At the command march, the fourth and fifth companies, which are to form the first division, will stand fast; the senior captain of the two will place himself before the centre of the division, and command: Guide right; the junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies, and the left guide of the left company will place himself in the front rank on the left of the division, as soon as he shall be able to pass.
881. All the other companies, conducted by their captains, will step off with life to arrange themselves in column at company distance, each company behind the preceding one in the column of the same wing, so that, in the right wing, the third may be next behind the fourth, the second next to the third, and so on to the right company; and, in the left wing, the sixth may be next behind the fifth, the seventh next to the sixth, and so on to the left company of the battalion.
882. The corresponding companies of the two wings will unite into divisions in arranging themselves in column; an instant before the union, at the centre of the column, the left guides of right companies will pass into the line of file closers, and each captain will command: 1. Such company; 2. Halt; 3. FRONT.
883. At the second command, which will be given at the instant of union, each company will halt; at the third, it will face to the front. The senior captain in each division will place himself on its right, and command: Right—DRESS, and the junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies. The division being aligned, its chief will command: FRONT, and take his position two paces before its centre.
0-884. At the command march, by the colonel, each platoon column conducted by its chief, will be directed diagonally to the rear, in such manner that the front rank of the first platoon of each platoon column shall be on a line six; paces in rear of the front rank of the division next to the last. The first platoon column three paces from the right, and the second platoon column three paces from the left flank of the battalion column. The first platoon column will be dressed to the left, and the second to the right. In case there is but one platoon on each flank, they will be established in the positions prescribed above, for the first platoons of the columns.
885. The column being thus formed, the divisions will take the respective denominations of first, second, third, &c., according to position in the column beginning at the front.
886. The lieutenant-colonel who, at the second command given by the colonel, will have placed himself at a little more than company distance in rear of the right guide of the first division, will assure the right guides on the direction as they successively arrive, by placing himself in their rear, and then take post as indicated No. 175, outside the right flank of the column.
887. The senior major will follow the movement abreast with the last company, and then take post as indicated No. 176, outside the right flank of the column. The junior major will place himself abreast with the first platoon of the first platoon column, and six paces outside its right flank.
888. The music will pass to the rear of the column.
889. The battalion being in march to form the double column at company distance without halting the battalion, the colonel will command:
1. Double column at half distance. 2. Battalion, by the right and left flanks. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
890. At the first command, each captain will move briskly in front of the centre of his company; the captains of the fourth and fifth will caution their companies to march straight-forward, and will command: Quick time: the other captains will caution their companies to face to the right and left.
0-891. At the same command, the companies of skirmishers will execute without halting what is prescribed No. 877. The chief of the first platoon column will caution his column to face by the left flank, and the chief of the second platoon column will caution his column to face by the right flank.
892. At the command march, the fourth and fifth companies will continue to march straight-forward; the senior captain will place himself before the centre of his division, and command: Guide right; the junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies. The left guide of the fifth company will place himself on the left of the front rank of the division. The men will take the touch of elbows to the right. The color and general guides will retake their places. The three right companies will face to the left, and the three left companies will face to the right. Each captain will break to the rear two files at the head of his company; the left guides of the right companies, and the right guides of the left companies, will each place himself at the head of the front rank of his company, and the captain by the side of his guide.
893. The third and sixth companies will enter the column, and direct themselves parallelly to the first division. Each of the other companies will, in like manner, place itself behind the company of the wing to which it belongs, and will be careful to gain as much ground as possible toward the head of the column.
894. The corresponding companies of each wing will unite into divisions on taking their positions in column, and each captain, the instant the head of his company arrives at the centre of the column, will command: 1. Such company by the right (or left) flank. 2. MARCH. The senior captain of the two companies will place himself in front of the centre of his division, and command: Guide right; the junior captain will place himself in the interval between the two companies. The two companies thus formed into a division, will take the touch of elbows to the right, and when each division has gained its proper distance, its chief will cause it to march in quick time.
0-895. At the command march, by the colonel, the first platoon column will face by the left, and the second platoon column by the right flank, and they will be conducted by their chiefs as prescribed No. 884. On arriving at their positions the platoon columns will be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, and take the quick step.
896. When the battalion presents an odd number of companies, the formation will be made in like manner, and the company on either flank which shall find itself without a corresponding one, will place itself at company distance behind the wing to which it belongs.
897. The double column, closed in mass, will be formed according to the same principles, and by the same commands, substituting the indication, closed in mass, for that of at half distance.
898. The double column never being formed when two or more battalions are to be in one general column, it will habitually take the guide to the right, sometimes to the left, or in the centre of the column; in the last case the command will be, Guide centre. The column will march, countermarch, and change direction according to the principles prescribed for a simple column by division.
899. The double column at company distance will be closed in mass, or, if in mass, will take half distance, by the commands and means indicated for a simple column by division.
0-900. When the double column is formed closed in mass, or closes in mass from half distance, the platoon columns will then be placed so that their first platoons shall be on the same line with the division next to the last. When the double column countermarches, the platoon columns will be countermarched by the means prescribed No. 425 and following.
901. When the double column advances to the attack, half the interval on the right and left flanks may be covered by skirmishers, deployed on a line with the front rank of the leading division. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
0-902. When one or more platoons of the companies of skirmishers are deployed to cover a double column, and the colonel desires their recall, but not with a view to form square, it will be executed by the commands and means prescribed No. 342. The platoon columns will take their places as indicated No. 884. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
To ploy the battalion into division columns.
903. This movement consists in ploying the odd companies of the right, and the even companies of the left wing, in rear of the companies on their left and right respectively.
904. The colonel wishing to form the division columns at company distance, the battalion being in line, and at a halt, will command:
1. Division columns at company distance. 2. Battalion, inward face. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
905. At the first command, the captains will place themselves two paces in front of their respective companies; the captains of the even companies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing, will caution their companies to stand fast, and the other captains, of the odd companies of the right, and of the even companies of the left wing, will caution their companies to face to the left and right respectively. The covering sergeants will step into the front rank.
0-906. At the same command, the captains of the first and second companies of skirmishers, will caution them that they will have to face to the left and right respectively.
907. At the second command, the even companies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing, will stand fast; the others of the right wing will face to the left, and the others of the left wing will face to the right; each captain whose company has faced, will hasten to the right, and break off files as indicated No. 111, and will then place himself, as will also the guides, in the manner prescribed No. 878.
0-908. At the same command, the first company of skirmishers will face to the left, and the second to the right; the left guide of the first will place himself on the left of the front rank, and each chief will place himself by the side of his guide.
909. At the command march, the even companies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing will stand fast. The captain of the right centre company will place himself on the right, and the captain of the left centre company on the left of the front rank of their respective companies: they will be covered in the rear rank by the guides. The captain of the second company will take his place in the front rank on the left of his company, and the captain of the seventh in the front rank on the right of his company; they will be covered in the rear rank by the guides.
910. All the other companies, conducted by their chiefs, will step off with life, to arrange themselves at company distance, each odd company of the right wing in rear of the even company on its left, and each even company of the left wing in rear of the odd company on its right, so that in the right wing, the first and third shall be behind the second and fourth companies, and in the left wing, the sixth and eighth shall be behind the fifth and seventh companies. The third and sixth companies will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right by the senior captain, after which the captains will take their places, two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies. The captain of the first company will conduct it, until the left guide is abreast with the left guide of the company immediately in front, when he will halt, front, and dress his company to the left, and place himself as prescribed No. 169. The captain of the last company will conduct it, until the right guide is abreast with the light guide of the company immediately in front, when it will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right, when the chief will place himself as above indicated. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
0-911. At the command march, by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers, conducted by their respective chiefs, will file to the left and right, respectively: the first company will take post thirty paces in rear of the file closers of the rear company of the first division column, and the second company thirty paces in rear of the file closers of the rear company of the last division-column. The companies will be halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right and left, respectively, and the captains will place themselves two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies.
912. Division columns being thus formed, will take the respective denominations of first, second, third, fourth, according to their position in the line, beginning at the right. If there are but seven battalion companies present, the seventh will be considered as a division column. With a less number of companies, the movement will not be performed. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
913. The position of the colonel and junior major will be the same as prescribed Nos. 34 and 35, Title I., the distances being estimated from the file closers, in rear of the rear companies of the division columns. The lieutenant-colonel will take post in rear of the centre of the first division column, and the senior major in rear of the centre of the last division column. Each twelve paces from the file closers of the rear companies. The adjutant and sergeant-major will take post as prescribed No. 36, Title I. The music will take post in rear of the third division column, and in the manner indicated Nos. 41 and 42, Title I.
914. The battalion being in march, to form division columns without halting the battalion, the colonel will command:
1. Division columns at company distance. 2. Battalion by the right and left flanks. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
915. At the first command, each captain will move as prescribed No. 890; the captains of the even companies of the right, and of the odd companies of the left wing, will caution their companies to march straight-forward, and will command Quick time, the other captains will caution their companies to face to the left and right respectively.
0-916. At the same command, the captains of the companies of skirmishers will caution them that they will have to face by the left and right flanks respectively.
917. At the command march, the even companies of the right, and the odd companies of the left wing, will continue to march straight forward. The captains and guides of the centre companies, and of the second and seventh, will conform to what is prescribed No. 909. The general guides will place themselves as indicated No. 773. The odd companies of the right wing will face to the left, and the even companies of the left wing, will face to the right; each captain, whose company has faced, will break to the rear the head of his company, and will place himself, as will also the guides, in the manner indicated No. 878.
918. The companies that have faced will each, conducted by its captain, take its place in its division column, as prescribed No. 910. Each captain of the right wing, the instant he arrives abreast with the left guide of the leading company of his division column, and each captain of the left wing, the instant he arrives abreast with the right guide of his division column, will command: 1. Such company by the right (or left) flank. 2. MARCH. 3. Guide left (or right). The companies will take the quick step as soon as they have attained their distances, and each captain will take post, as indicated No. 910.
0-919. At the command march by the colonel, the companies of skirmishers will face by the left and right flanks respectively; the chiefs and guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 908, and each company will be conducted by its chief, and take the position prescribed No. 911. On arriving at their positions, the companies will be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, take the step of, and follow their respective division columns.
920. Division columns, closed in mass, will be formed according to the same principles, and by the same commands, substituting the indication closed in mass, for that of at company distance.
921. A line of division columns at company distance, will be closed in mass, and if closed in mass, will take company distance, by the commands and means prescribed for a simple column. The column will always be closed, and distances taken, on the leading companies.
To advance in a line of division columns.
922. A line of division columns will advance, or retire, oblique, and change direction to the right or left, by the commands and means prescribed No. 648 and following, observing what follows. In advancing, the captain on the left flank of the leading company of the first, and the captain on the right flank of the leading company of the fourth division column, will be respectively responsible, for the preservation of the distances between those columns and the adjacent ones. When the battalion faces about for the purpose of retiring in line, the captains of the two centre companies, now leading, will place themselves in the rear rank, now in front, and on the outer flanks of their respective companies. The captains of the leading companies of the first and last division columns, will place themselves respectively on the flanks of their companies, nearest the centre of the line, and in the rear rank, now leading; they will be responsible for the distances as above indicated. The captains of the rear companies of the division columns, will place themselves two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies.
923. At the command forward, by the colonel, the color-bearer, with the three corporals of his guard in the rank of file closers, will place themselves in front of the leading centre companies, and opposite their places in line. The color-bearer, with his two outer corporals, six paces in front of the file closers, the centre corporal, with the two nearest file closers, will cover them in that rank.
Passage of obstacles, advancing and retiring in line.
924. A battalion, advancing or retiring in line, encountering an obstacle supposed to cover one or more division columns, they will be broken to the rear according to the principles prescribed for breaking off companies in a deployed line, observing what follows. The first command by the colonel will be, such a division column, or columns, obstacle. The necessary commands for breaking off will be given by the senior captain of the column, and the leading company of the column will be closed in mass on the last company of the column behind which it marches.
925. In coming again into line, each company will be conducted by its chief diagonally to the front, and when its right file shall have arrived at the proper distance from the division column on the line, it will be filed to the right, and having prolonged itself parallel to the line, will be faced by a flank, by command of its chief, and take the step of the line.
926. When the battalion, advancing in line, is brought to the right about, and one or more division columns have previously been broken off to the rear, the colonel, should he desire to bring them back into line, will first cause them to take full distance.
0-927. At the command, Battalion forward, by the colonel, when it is desired to advance or retire in line, the chiefs and guides of the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 654. In advancing, and in passing obstacles, the companies of skirmishers will preserve the relative positions with the division columns, prescribed No. 911. When, in retiring in line, the first and last division columns pass obstacles, and also when in returning into line, the companies of skirmishers will execute what is prescribed No. 779.
To form double column from a line of division columns.
928. A line of division columns being at a halt, either at half distance or closed in mass, it will form double column by the commands and means prescribed No. 875 and following, observing what follows. At the first command by the colonel, the captains of the companies of the second and third division columns will caution them to stand fast. At the second command, and at the command march, the second and third division columns will stand fast. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
929. A line of division columns on a march, either at half distance, or closed in mass, will form double column by the commands and means prescribed No. 889 and following, observing what follows. At the first command by the colonel, the captains of the companies of the second and third division columns will caution them to march straight-forward, and will command: Quick time. At the command march, the second and third division columns will continue to march straight-forward.
0-930. The companies of skirmishers will execute what has been prescribed Nos. 877, 879, 884, 891 and 895.
To form line of division columns from double columns.
931. The double column, either at half distance or closed in mass, being at a halt, to form line of division columns, the colonel will command:
1. Form line division columns. 2. Battalion, outward face. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
932. At the first command, the right and left guides of the first division will place themselves before the right and left files respectively, both faced to the right; the captains will place themselves two paces in front of the centre of their respective companies; the captains of the companies constituting the first and second divisions of the double column will caution their companies to stand fast; the other captains of the right wing will caution their companies to face to the right, and the others of the left wing will caution their companies to face to the left. The lieutenant-colonel will place one marker at company distance from the right of the first division, and on a line with, its guides, and a second marker a little less than company distance from the first; they will face toward the division guides, and be assured in their positions by the lieutenant-colonel. The senior major will make a like disposition with markers on the left of the column.
0-933. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will caution his column to face to the right, and the chief of the second platoon column will caution his column to face to the left.
934. At the second command, the first and second divisions will stand fast, and the captains and guides will place themselves as prescribed Nos. 909 and 910; the others of the right wing will face to the right, and the others of the left wing will face to the left. Each captain whose company has faced to the right will place himself by the side of his right guide; and each captain whose company has faced to the left will place himself by the side of his left guide. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
0-935. At the same command, the platoon columns will face to the right and left respectively, and the chiefs and guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 879.
936. At the command march, the companies which form the second and third division columns will stand fast; those which form the first and fourth division columns, conducted by their respective captains, will move diagonally to the front. [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]
937. The captain of the leading company of the first division column will conduct his company on the marker on the right of the first division, and the captain of the leading company of the last division column will conduct his company on the marker at the left of the first division; the other companies will take care to preserve their parallelism with the leading ones, and the guides will maintain themselves on a perpendicular with the guides of the leading companies respectively.
938. On arriving up with the marker, the captain of each leading company will halt in his own person, and let his company file past him; the leading company, first division column, will file to the right, and when its last file is abreast with the captain, he will halt the company, face it to the front, and dress it to the left on the markers. The captain of the rear company of this same column will establish his company in rear of the first by the means just prescribed; the companies constituting the last division column will be established on the markers to the left of the first division, in a similar manner, but by inverse means.
0-939. At the command march, the platoon columns will be conducted by their respective chiefs straight-forward. When the right flank of the first platoon column has arrived on a line with the marker placed on the right of the line of battle, the column will be faced by the left or right flank, as the double column may have been, at half distance or closed in mass, and having attained its proper distance from the first division column, it will be halted and deployed on its first platoon. The second platoon column will execute what has been prescribed for the first, but by inverse means.
940. The line being formed, the colonel will command: Guides—POSTS. At this, the captains and guides will take posts as prescribed Nos. 909 and 910.
941. The double column, either at half distance or closed in mass, being in march, to form line of division columns, no markers will be posted. The colonel will command:
1. Form line division columns. 2. Battalion by the right and left flanks. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
942. At the first command, the captains will place themselves quickly in front of their respective companies; the captains of the first and second divisions will caution their companies to march straight to the front, and will command: Quick time; the other captains of the right wing will caution their companies to face by the right flank, and the other captains of the left wing will caution their companies to face by the left flank.
0-943. At the same command, the chiefs of the platoon columns will caution them to face by the right and left flanks, respectively.
944. At the command march, the first and second divisions will march in quick time, and their captains will place themselves as prescribed Nos. 909 and 910. The other companies will face by the flanks in marching, and will take their places in line, as prescribed No. 934 and following, observing what follows. When the companies have arrived on the line, each chief of the companies of the right wing, will command: 1. By the left flank, march. 2. Guide left. And each chief of the companies of the left wing, will command: 1. By the right flank, march. 2. Guide right. The chiefs and guides will take their proper places, and the columns will march aligned with, and take the step of, the centre division columns. The color and general guides will take their places as prescribed Nos. 736 and 773.
0-945. At the command march by the colonel, the platoon columns will face by the right and left flanks, respectively, and will execute what is prescribed No. 939, observing what follows. The platoon columns will face toward the line of battle in order to obtain their distances, whether the double column be at half distance, or closed in mass. They will deploy while on the march.
Deployment of the double column, faced to the front.
946. The colonel, wishing to deploy the double column, will place a marker respectively before the right and left files of the first division, and as third before the left file of the right company, same division; which being done, he will cause the two general guides to spring out on the alignment of the markers, a little beyond the points at which the respective flanks of the battalion ought to rest; he will then command:
1. Deploy column. 2. Battalion outward—FACE. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
947. The column will deploy itself on the two companies at its head, according to the principles prescribed for the deployment of columns in mass. The captains of these companies will each, at the command march, place himself on the right of his own company, and align it by the right; the captain of the fourth will then place himself in the rear rank, and the covering sergeant in the rank of file closers, at the moment the captain of the third shall come to its left to align it.
0-948. At the first command by the colonel, the chief of each platoon column will command: Backward march. At this, each column will step nine paces to the rear, and be halted by its chief; the first platoon column will then be faced to the right, and the second to the left, by their respective chiefs, who will place themselves, as also the guides, as prescribed No. 935. When the right and left files respectively, of the first and last battalion companies, have arrived abreast with the right and left files of the platoon columns respectively, the latter will be put in march, and be faced by the right and left flanks respectively, when those companies halt.
0-949. When the first platoon column has arrived at its proper distance from the line of battle, it will be faced about, halted, and deployed on its first platoon. The second platoon column will execute what has been prescribed for the first by inverse means.
0-950. If the double column is deployed from half distance, at the first command by the colonel, the platoon columns will be cautioned to face to the right and left respectively. At the second command, the first platoon column will face to the right, and the second to the left, and the chief of each column will caution it to stand fast. When the right and left files of the companies constituting the division next to the last, arrive abreast with the right and left files of the platoon columns respectively, the latter will be put in march, and will be halted when these respectively halt. When the companies constituting the last division, have passed, the platoon columns will again be put in motion: and when the right and left files respectively arrive in a line with the markers on the right and left of the line of battle, the platoon columns will execute what is prescribed No. 939.
951. The deployment being ended, the colonel will command: Guides—POSTS.
952. If it be the wish of the colonel to cause the fire to commence pending the deployment, he will give an order to that effect to the captains of the fourth and fifth companies, and the fire will be executed according to the principles prescribed No. 528.
953. The battalion being in double column and in march, if the colonel shall wish to deploy it without halting the column, he will cause three markers to be posted on the line of battle, and when the head of the column shall arrive near the markers, he will command:
1. Deploy column. 2. Battalion, by the right and left flanks. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
954. The column will deploy on the two leading companies, according to the principles prescribed for the deployment of a close column, No. 580 and following; at the command march, the chief of the first division will halt it, and the captains of the fourth and fifth companies will align their companies by the right.
955. If the column be in march, and it be the wish of the colonel to deploy the column and to continue to march in the order of battle, he will not cause markers to be established at the head of the column. The movement will be executed by the commands and means indicated No. 953, observing what follows. At the first command, the chief of the first division will caution it to continue the march to the front, and will command, Quick time. At the command march, the first division will march in quick time; the colonel will command, Guide centre. The captains of the fourth and fifth companies, the color, and the men, will immediately conform to the principles of the march in line of battle. The companies will take the quick step by the command of their captains, as they successively arrive in line. The movement completed, the colonel may cause the battalion to march in double quick time.
0-956. In deploying on a march, at the first command by the colonel, the chief of each platoon column will immediately command: Such platoon column, mark time, march. When the last division has passed, the chief of the first platoon column will face his column by the right flank, and the chief of the second, by the left flank: the chiefs and guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 908, and the platoon columns will be put in march, and having arrived opposite their places in line, they will be faced by the left and right flanks respectively, to march toward the line, and they will be deployed while marching.
0-957. In deploying a double column on a march, from half distance, at the first command by the colonel, the platoon columns will be cautioned by their chiefs, to face by the right and left flanks respectively. At the command march, the platoon columns will be faced by the flanks, and each chief will command, Such platoon column, mark time—MARCH. The platoon columns will then execute what has been prescribed No. 950, they will be deployed while marching, and take the quick step on attaining their distances.
To form the double column into line of battle, faced to the right or left.
958. The double column, being at company distance and at a halt, may be formed into line of battle faced to the right or left; when the colonel shall wish to form it faced to the right, he will command:
1. Right into line wheel, left companies on the right into line. 2. Battalion, guide right. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
959. At the first command, each captain will place himself before the centre of his company; the right companies will be cautioned that they will have to wheel to the right into line, the left companies that they will have to march straight-forward.
0-960. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will face it about, and the chief of each platoon column will command: 1. Forward. 2. Guide right.
961. At the second command, the left guide of the fourth company will place himself briskly on the direction of the right guides of the column, face to them, and opposite to one of the three last files of his company when in line of battle; the lieutenant-colonel will assure him in that position.
962. At the command march, briskly repeated by all the captains, the right companies will form to the right into line of battle, the left companies will put themselves in march in order to form on the right into line of battle; these formations will be executed by the means indicated No. 464 and following, No. 502 and following; the lieutenant-colonel will assure the guides of the left wing on the line of battle as they successively come upon it.
0-963. At the command march, the first platoon column will march straight-forward, and when the guide of the first platoon has passed the right of the line a distance of three paces, the chief of the column will face it by the right flank, and take the guide to the right; when the chief of the first platoon has arrived at a distance of thirty-three paces in rear of the right of the line, he will halt in his own person, and the platoon will file to the right and execute what is indicated No. 517.
0-964. The second platoon column will be moved to the front, and wheeled to the right, so that the right files of the platoons will be on a line with the right file of the last battalion company, on the completion of the wheel. The column will then be moved to its proper position, halted, and deployed on the first platoon by its chief.
965. If the column be in march, the colonel will command:
1. Right into line wheel. 2. Left companies, on the right into line. 3. Battalion, guide right. 4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
966. At the first command, each captain will place himself promptly before the centre of his company; the right companies will be cautioned that they will have to wheel to the right, and the left companies that they will have to form on the right into line.
0-967. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column, will command, Right about, and the chief of the second platoon column, will caution it to march straight forward.
968. At the command march, briskly repeated, the right companies will form to the right into line, and the left companies on the right into line. These formations will be executed as prescribed Nos. 476, 503, and following.
0-969. At the command march, the first platoon column will face about, and will execute what is prescribed No. 963. The second platoon column will execute what is prescribed No. 964.
970. If the colonel should wish to move the battalion forward, at the moment the right companies have completed the wheel, he will command:
5. Forward. 6. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
971. At the command forward, the captains of the right companies will command, Quick time. At the command march, the right companies will cease to wheel, and march straight-forward. The colonel will then add: 7. Guide centre. At this command, the color and right general guides will immediately conform to the principles of the march in line of battle.
972. The movement of the left companies will be executed in double quick time as prescribed above, and as they arrive on the line each captain will cause his company to march in quick time.
0-973. If the line move on without halting, the first platoon column will take the double quick step, and after having filed as prescribed No. 963, the company will be faced by the right flank, and having gained its proper distance will take the step of the line. The second platoon column, after wheeling parallel to the line, will be deployed while marching.
974. The column may be formed faced to the left into line of battle according to the same principles.
975. If the column be closed in mass instead of at company distance, these movements will be executed according to the principles prescribed Nos. 637 and 638.
976. The depth of the double column, at company distance, being inconsiderable, closing it in mass, if at a halt, in order to deploy it, may be dispensed with; but if it be in march, it will be preferable to cause it so to close, in halting, before deploying.
977. The double column will be deployed habitually on the centre companies, but the colonel may sometimes deploy it on any interior company, or on the first or eighth company.
0-978. If the double column be deployed on any other company than the centre ones, the platoon columns of skirmishers, will be moved to their proper positions, by the means already prescribed.
To deploy a line of division columns.
979. A line of division columns, will be deployed either at the halt or on a march, by the commands and means prescribed for deploying a double column. If the deployment is made from a halt, the guides of the leading companies of the first and fourth division columns, will, at the first command by the colonel, place themselves in front of the right and left files of their companies respectively, faced toward, and on a line with, the markers in front of the centre division. Those of the right wing will be assured in this position by the lieutenant-colonel, and those of the left wing by the senior major.
0-980. The companies of skirmishers will be faced to the right and left respectively, when the column faces, and at the command march by the colonel, will be moved by their respective captains to the positions prescribed No. 9, Title I.
981. In case a battalion, in line of division columns, attacks or repels an attack from the enemy, the colonel may detach the first and fourth division column, each commanded by a field officer, to attack the flanks of the enemy, while the second and third division columns deploy.
To form double columns from simple column by company.
982. The battalion being in column by company, either at full distance, or closed in mass, right in front, and at a halt, to form double column, the colonel will command:
1. Form double column. 2. Right wing, right—FACE. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
983. At the first command the captains of the companies of the right wing, will caution them that they will have to face to the right. The captains of the left wing, will caution their companies to stand fast. The left general guide will place himself on the prolongation of the front rank of the last battalion company, and at a distance from its right guide, equal to the front of a company, he will be assured in his position by the senior major. The music will take post as prescribed No. 888.
0-984. At the same command, the chief of the first platoon column will face his column to the right. The chief of the second platoon column, will command: Column forward, guide left. If the column is closed in mass, the second platoon column will face to the left.
985. At the second command, the companies of the right wing will face to the right, and their captains will place themselves respectively by the side of their right guides.
986. At the command march, the companies which have faced, will march straight-forward; the captain of the left company of the right wing will halt in his own person, and let his company file past him, and when the left file is abreast with him he will command: 1. Such company, by the right flank. 2. MARCH. 3. Guide right.
987. At this, the left guide, placing himself on the right of the rear rank, now in front, will so conduct it, that the elbow of the file on his left, will graze the covering sergeant on the right of the leading company of the left wing; just before the union of the two companies, the left guide will take his place in the rank of file closers, and when the company has just past the covering sergeant, the captain will command: 1. Such company, halt. 2. About face. The chief of the division will immediately place himself on the right, and he, as also the junior captain, will conform to what is prescribed No. 883.
0-988. At the command march by the colonel, the first platoon column will march straight-forward, and when its left flank is at a distance from the battalion column, a little more than a division front, it will be faced by the right flank, and taking the guide to the right, will be marched to the rear, closing in mass while marching, on its second platoon.
0-989. When the first platoon arrives on a line six paces in rear of the front rank of the division next to the last, it will face by the right flank, and be marched and established in the position prescribed No. 884.
0-990. The second platoon column will march straight-forward, closing in mass while marching, until its first platoon arrives on the line above indicated, when it will be faced by the left flank and be marched and established in the position prescribed No. 884. If the column is closed in mass, the second platoon column will march to the rear of the last division, and having passed three paces will be faced by the right flank, and take the position prescribed No. 884.
991. The three right companies of the battalion having marched a distance equal to the front of a division, the colonel will command: 1. Three right companies, by the right flank. 2. MARCH. 3. Guide right.
992. At the third command, the left guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 987, and the leading one will direct himself on the left general guide. Each captain, as his company arrives on a line with its corresponding division company, will command: 1. Such company, by the right flank. 2. MARCH. If the column is in close order, the two right companies will mark time, by the command of their captains, until the third has passed, and the right company will in its turn mark time until the second has passed.
993. Just before the union, the left guides will place themselves as prescribed No. 987. When the front-rank man of the left file has arrived up with the right guide of the corresponding division company, each captain will command: 1. Such company, halt. 2. Front, and the captains in each division will respectively execute what is prescribed No. 883.
994. The lieutenant-colonel will assure the right guides of the divisions, on the direction, by placing himself in their rear, as they successively arrive.
995. The column being at full distance, to form double column while marching, and to continue the march, the colonel will command:
1. Form double column. 2. Right wing by the right flank. 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).
996. This movement will be executed by the commands and means as prescribed when at a halt, observing what follows. At the first command, the captains of the left wing will command: Quick time, and at the command march, will take or continue the quick step. At the same command, the companies of the right wing will move at double quick. The captain of the company, next in front of the leading company of the left wing, having prolonged his company a distance equal to its front, will command: 1. Such company, by the left flank, quick time. 2. MARCH. And as soon as the company has faced, will add: 1. Mark time. 2. MARCH. As soon as the corresponding company of his division has arrived abreast with his company, he will command: 1. Forward. 2. MARCH. 3. Guide right. And at this, the division will take the guide to the right.
997. The captains of the other companies of the right wing, on uniting with their respective division companies, will command: 1. Such company, by the right flank. 2. Quick time. 3. MARCH. 4. Guide right. At this, the right guides of division will cover the right guides of the column.
0-998. The platoon columns of the companies of skirmishers, will execute this movement as has been prescribed for a halt, observing what follows. The platoon columns will take the double quick step. The leading platoon of the first platoon column, having arrived on a line a few paces in advance of the division next to the last, and the second platoon column having arrived on a line just in rear of this division, they will respectively be faced by the right and left flanks, by their chiefs, marched to their proper positions, faced by the right flank, and take the quick step.