ARTICLE XI. – To form the battalion on the right or left, by file, into line of battle.

820. The battalion marching by the right flank, when the colonel shall wish to form it on the right by file, he will determine the line of battle, and the lieutenant-colonel will place two markers on that line, in conformity with what is prescribed No. 501.

821. The head of the battalion being nearly up with the first marker, the colonel will command:

1. On the right, by file, into line.  2. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).

822. At the command march, the leading company will form itself on the right, by file, into line of battle, as indicated in the S. C., No. 151; the front-rank man of the first file will rest his breast lightly against the right arm of the first marker; the other companies will follow the movement of the leading company; each captain will place himself on the line at the same time with the front-rank man of his first file, and on the right of this man,

823. The left guide of each company, except the leading one, will place himself on the direction of the markers, and opposite to the left file of his company, at the instant that the front-rank man of this file arrives on the line.

824. The formation being ended, the colonel will command: Guides—POSTS.

825. The colonel will superintend the successive formation of the battalion, moving along the front of the line of battle.

826. The lieutenant-colonel will, in succession, assure the direction of the guides, and see that the men of the front rank, in placing themselves on the line, do not pass it.

827. If the battalion march by the left flank, the movement will be executed according to the same principles, and by inverse means.


828. As marching by the flank in the presence of the enemy is a very objectionable movement, it will not be executed except for the purpose of moving the battalion to the right or left for a short distance, or when the narrowness of the way will not permit a company front.

0-829. If the companies of skirmishers are present with the battalion when marching by the flank, and the colonel wishes either to file to the right or left, or to form on the right or left into line by file, he will, previous to commencing the movement, cause those companies formed as the battalion companies, to take post on the right and left of the battalion respectively.

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