ARTICLE VI. & VII. – To halt the battalion, marching in retreat, and to face it to the front.


To halt the battalion, marching in retreat, and to face it to the front.

744. The colonel having halted the battalion, and wishing to face it to the front, will command:

1. Face to the front.  2. Battalion, about—FACE.

745. At the second command, the color-rank, general guides, captains, and covering sergeants, will all retake their habitual places in line of battle, and the color-bearer will repass into the front rank.

0-746. At the second command the companies of skirmishers will face about with the battalion.

747. The battalion marching in line of battle by the front rank, when the colonel shall wish to march it in retreat, he will command:

1. Battalion, right about.  2. MARCH.

748. At the command march, the battalion will face to the rear and move off at the same gait by the rear rank.  The principles prescribed Nos. 736 and following will be carefully observed.

749. If the colonel should wish the battalion to march again by the front, he will give the same commands.

0-750. At the command march, the companies of skirmishers will come to the right about with the battalion, taking care to preserve their relative positions with regard to the battalion companies.


Change of direction in marching in retreat.

751. A battalion retiring in line will change direction by the commands and means indicated No. 717 and following; the three file closers, united behind the color-rank, will conform themselves to the movement of this rank and wheel like it; the centre file closer of the three will take steps of fourteen or seventeen inches, according to the gait, and keep himself steadily at the same distance from the color-bearer; the line of file closers will conform themselves to the movements of its centre, and the lieutenant-colonel will maintain it on that basis.

0-752. The companies of skirmishers, when the battalion changes direction, will conform to the movements of the first and last battalion companies.

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