ARTICLE VI. – To march in column at half distance, or closed in mass.

335. A column at half distance or in mass being at a halt, the colonel will put it in march by the commands prescribed for a column at full distance.

336. The means of direction will also be the same for a column at half distance, or in mass, as for a column at full distance.  If the column is in mass, the junior major will occupy the position prescribed No. 259.

337. A column at half distance or in mass, being in march, when the colonel shall wish to halt it, he will give the commands prescribed for halting a column at full distance, and if, afterward, he judge it necessary to give a general direction to the guides of the column, he will employ, to this end, the commands and means indicated, No. 290 and following.

338. In columns at half distance or closed in mass, chiefs of subdivision will repeat the commands march and halt, as in columns at full distance.

339. The colonel will often march the column to the rear, by the means and the commands prescribed Nos. 225 and 226.

340. A column by division or company, whether at full or half distance or closed in mass, at a halt or marching, can be faced to the right or left, and marched off in the new direction.

341. If in the case above indicated the companies of skirmishers are present, the platoon columns as also the battalion column will be directed as prescribed Nos. 140141 and 142.


0-342. When one or more platoons of the companies of skirmishers are deployed, to cover a battalion while in column by company or division at half distance, and the colonel desires their recall, but not with a view to forming square, it will be executed as prescribed No. 95; observing what follows, the platoon columns on reaching their positions will be closed in mass, instead of keeping their full distances.  [Editor’s Note: See Changes.]

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