ARTICLE V. – Being in column by platoon, to form on the right (or left) into line of battle.

352. The column by platoon, right in front, being in march, the instructor, wishing to form it on the right into line of battle, will command:

1. On the right into line.  2. Guide right.

353. At the second command, the guide of each platoon will shift quickly to its right flank and the men will touch elbows to the right; the column will continue to march straight-forward.

354. The instructor having given the second command, will move briskly to the point at which the right of the company ought to rest in line, and place himself facing the point of direction to the left which he will choose.

355. The line of battle ought to be so chosen that the guide of each platoon, after having turned to the right, may have, at least, ten paces to take before arriving upon that line.

356. The head of the column being nearly opposite to the instructor, the chief of the first platoon will command; 1. Right turn; and when exactly opposite to that point, he will add:


357. At the command march, the first platoon will turn to the right, in conformity with the principles prescribed in the S. S., No. 415.  Its guide will so direct his march as to bring the front-rank man, next on his left, opposite to the instructor; the chief of the platoon will march before its centre; and when its guide shall be near the line of battle he will command:

1. Platoon.  2. HALT.

358. At the command halt, which will be given at the instant the right of the platoon shall arrive at the distance of three paces from the line of battle, the platoon will halt; the files, not yet in line, will come up promptly.  The guide will place himself on the line of battle, opposite to one of the three left files of his platoon; he will face to the instructor, who will align him on the point of direction to the left.  The chief of platoon having, at the same time, gone to the point where the right of the company is to rest, will, as soon as he sees all the files of the platoon in line, command:


359. At this, the first platoon will align itself; the front-rank man, who finds himself opposite to the guide, will rest his breast lightly against the rightarm of this guide, and the chief of the platoon, from the right, will direct the alignment on this man.

360The second platoon will continue to marchstraight-forward, until its guide shall arrive opposite to the left file of the first; it will then turn to the right at the command of its chief, and march toward the line of battle, its guide directing himself on the left file of the first platoon.

361. The guide having arrived at the distance of three paces from the line of battle, this platoon will be halted, as prescribed for the first; at the instant it halts, its guide will spring on the line of battle, opposite to one of the three left files of his platoon, and will be assured in his position by the instructor.

362. The chief of the second platoon, seeing all its files in line, and its guide established on the direction, will command:


363. Having given this command, he will return to his place as a file closer, passing around the left; the second platoon will dress up on the alignment of the first, and, when established, the captain will command:


364. The movement ended, the instructor will command:


365. At this command, the two guides will return to their places in line of battle.

366. A column, by platoon, left in front, will form on the left into line of battle, according to the same principles, and, by inverse means, applying to the second platoon what is prescribed for the first, and reciprocally.  The chief of the second platoon having aligned it, from the point d’appui, (the left,) will retire to his place as a file closer.  The captain having halted the first platoon three paces behind the line of battle, will go to the same point to align this platoon, and then command: FRONT.  At the command, guides—posts, given by the instructor, the captain will shift to his proper flank, and the guides take their places in the line of battle.

367. When the companies of a regiment are to be exercised, at the same time, in the school of the company, the colonel will indicate the lesson or lessons they are severally to execute.  The wholewill commence by a signal, and terminate in like manner.

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