ARTICLE IX. – Being in column at half distance, or closed in mass, to take distances.

385. A column at half distance will take full distances by the head of the column when it has to prolong itself in a column of route; it may also take full distance by the head of the column for the purposes of instruction, breaking into platoons, forming divisions, &c., &c.  If it has to form itself in line of battle on the ground it occupies, it will take distances on the leading or on the rearmost subdivision, according as the one or other may find itself at the point where the right or left of the battalion ought to rest in line of battle.

1st.  To take distances by the head of the column.

386. The column being by company at half distance and at a halt, when the colonel shall wish to cause it to take full distances by the head, he will command:

By the head of column, take wheeling distance.

387. At this command, the captain of the leading company will put it in march; to this end, he will command:

1. First company, forward.  2. Guide left.  3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).

388. When the second shall have nearly its wheeling distance, its captain will command:

1. Second company, forward.  2. Guide left.  3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).

389. At the command march, which will be pronounced at the instant that this company shall have its wheeling distance, it will step off smartly, taking the step from the preceding company.  Each of the other companies will successively execute what has just been prescribed for the second.

390. The colonel will see that each company puts itself in march at the instant it has its distance.

391. The lieutenant-colonel will hold himself at the head of the column, and direct the march of the leading guide.

392. The senior major will hold himself abreast with the rearmost guide.  The junior major will take post as prescribed Nos. 94 or 259, as the column may be in the cadence or route step.

393. If the column, instead of being at a halt, be in march, the colonel will give the same commands, and add:


394. If the column be marching in quick time, at the first command given by the colonel, the captain of the leading company will command: Double quick.  At the command march, the company will take the double quick step, which will also be done by the other captains as their companies successively attain their proper wheeling distances.  Should it be the wish of the colonel to resume the quick time after attaining the wheeling distances, he will give the necessary commands.

395. If the column be marching in double quick time, the leading company will continue to march at the same gait.  At the first command by the colonel, the captains of the other companies will command: quick time.  At the command march, these companies will take the quick step, and as each company gains its proper distance its captain will cause it to retake the double quick step.


0-396. If the companies of skirmishers are present with, but do not march in the column, in taking full distance, at the first command by the colonel, the chief of the leading platoon will give the same commands as prescribed for the captain of the leading battalion company, and march abreast with that company; the other platoons will take their distances by the means prescribed for the battalion companies, the leading platoon of the last platoon column taking up the march at the same time, and marching abreast with the last battalion company.

2nd.  To take distances on the rear at the column.

397. If the colonel wish to take distances on the rearmost company, he will establish two markers on the direction he shall wish to give to the line of battle, the first opposite to the rearmost company, the second marker toward the head of the column, at company distance from the first, and both facing to the rear; at the same time, the right general guide, on an intimation from the lieutenant-colonel, will move rapidly a little beyond the point to which the head of the column will extend, and place himself correctly on the prolongation of the two markers.  These dispositions being made, the colonel will command:

1. On the eighth company, take wheeling distance.  2. Column forward.  3. Guide left.  4. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).

398. At the first command, the captain of the eighth company will caution it to stand fast.  At the third command, the captains will place themselves two paces outside of the directing flank.

0-399. At the first command, the chief of the second platoon of the second platoon column will face his platoon about.  At the third command, he will command guide right, and place himself two paces outside of its directing flank; at the first command, the chief of the first platoon of the same column, and the chief of the second platoon of the first platoon column, will caution their platoons to stand fast.

400. At the command march, repeated by all the captains, except the captain of the eighth company, this latter company will stand fast; its chief will align it by the left on the first marker, who is opposite to this company, the left guide stepping in rear of the left file for this purpose, and place himself before its centre, after commanding: FRONT.  At this command, the marker will retire, and the left guide will take his place.

401. All the other companies will put themselves in march, the guide of the leading one directing himself a little within the right general guide; when the seventh company has arrived opposite the second marker, its captain will halt, and align it on this marker, in the manner prescribed for the eighth company.

402. When the captain of the sixth company shall see that there is, between his company and the seventh, the necessary space for wheeling into line, he will halt his company; the guide facing to the rear will place himself promptly on the direction, and the moment he shall be assured in his position, the captain will align the company by the left, and then place himself two paces before its centre; the other companies will successively conform themselves to what has just been prescribed for the sixth company.

0-403. At the command march, repeated by all the chiefs of platoon of the companies of skirmishers, except the chief of the second platoon, first platoon column and the first platoon second platoon column, these two latter platoons will stand fast, the other platoons will put themselves in march, the first platoon first platoon column keeping aligned with the first battalion company.  When the second platoon of the first platoon column shall have nearly its full distance, its chief will command: 1. Second platoon forward; 2. Guide left; 3. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH); at which the platoon will step off, its left guide following in the trace of the guide of the first platoon.  When the second platoon of the second platoon column shall have attained its distance, it will be halted, and faced about, its guide will cover the guide of the platoon in front, and the platoon will be dressed to the left.

0-404. The captain of the first company of skirmishers will halt his platoon column at the same time the first battalion company halts.  Each chief of platoon will dress his platoon to the left, the first in a line with the first battalion company.

405. The colonel will follow the movement, and see that each company halts at the prescribed distance; he will promptly remedy any fault that may be committed, and, as soon as all the companies shall be aligned, he will cause the guides, who are faced to the rear, to face about.

406. The lieutenant-colonel will successively assure the left guides on the direction, placing himself in their rear, as they arrive.

407. The senior major will hold himself at the head of the column, and will direct the march of the leading guide. The junior major will hold himself as prescribed No. 94.

3rd.  To take distances on the head of the column.

408. The colonel, wishing to take distances on the leading company, will establish two markers in the manner just prescribed, one abreast with this company, and the other at company distance in rear of the first, but both facing to the front; the left general guide, on an intimation from the lieutenant-colonel, will move rapidly to the rear and place himself correctly on the prolongation of the two markers, a little beyond the point to which the rear of the column will extend: these dispositions being made, the colonel will command:

1. On the first company, take wheeling distance.  2. Battalion, about—FACE.  3. Column, forward.  4. Guide right.  5. MARCH (or double quick—MARCH).

409. At the first command, the captain of the first company will caution it to remain faced to the front.  At the second command, all the companies, except the one designated, will face about, the guides remaining in the front rank, now become the rear.

0-410. At the first command, the chief of the first platoon of the first platoon column, will caution it to remain faced to the front.  At the second command, all the platoons except the one designated, will face about, the guides remaining as indicated No. 409.

411. At the fourth command, the captains will place themselves outside of their guides.

0-412. At the same command, the chief of each second platoon of the platoon column, will place himself two paces outside his guides.

413. At the command march, the captain of the designated company will align it, as prescribed, No. 400, on the marker placed by its side.

414. The remaining companies will put themselves in march, the guide of the rearmost one will direct himself a little within the left general guide; when the second company shall have arrived opposite the second marker, its captain will face it about, conforming to what is prescribed, No. 321, and align it, as has just been prescribed for the first company.  Should the movement be performed in quick time at the command halt by the captain, the guide will face about and place himself on the line.

415. The instant that the third company shall have its wheeling distance, its captain will halt it, facing it about as prescribed No. 321, and align it by the left; the captains of the remaining companies will each, in succession, conform himself to what has just been prescribed for the captain of the third.

0-416. At the same command, the first platoon of the first platoon column, will stand fast; all the other platoons will put themselves in march; the second platoon of the first platoon column having attained its distance, will be halted by its chief, faced about and dressed to the left; the first platoon of the second platoon column will march on a line with the last battalion company, will be halted and faced about at the same time with that company, and dressed to the left; the second platoon of this same column having attained its distance will execute what has just been prescribed for the second platoon of the first platoon column.

417. The colonel will follow the movement, as indicated No. 405; the lieutenant-colonel and senior major will conform themselves to what is prescribed, No. 406 and 407; the junior major will hold himself abreast with the color company on the reverse flank.

418. These various movements will be executed according to the same principles in a column with the left in front.

419. They will be executed in like manner in a column closed in mass; but, if it be the wish of the colonel to open out the column to half, instead of full distance, he will substitute, in the commands, the indication half, for that of wheeling distance.

420. In a column by division, distances will be taken according to the same principles.


0-421. The platoon columns will retain the close order when the battalion column takes half distance from being closed in mass.

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