ARTICLE IV. – Countermarch.

343. The company being at a halt, and supposed to constitute part of a column, right in front, when the instructor shall wish to cause it to countermarch, he will command:

1. Countermarch.  2. Company, right—FACE.  3. By file, left.  4. MARCH.

344. At the second command, the company will face to the right, the two guides to the right about; the captain will go to the right of his company and cause two files to break to the rear and then place himself by the side of the front-rank man, to conduct him.

345. At the command march, both guides will stand fast; the company will step off smartly; the first file, conducted by the captain, will wheel around the right guide, and direct its march along the front-rank so as to arrive behind, and two paces from the left guide; each file will come in succession to wheel on the same ground around the right guide; the leading file having arrived at a point opposite to the left guide, the captain will command:

1. Company.  2. HALT.  3. FRONT.  4. Right—DRESS.

346. The first command will be given at four paces from the point where the leading file is to rest.

347. At the second command, the company will halt.

348. At the third, it will face to the front.

349At the fourth, the company will dress by the right; the captain will step two paces outside of the left guide, now on the right, and direct the alignment, so that the front-rank may be enclosed between the two guides: the company being aligned, he will command FRONT, and place himself before the centre of the company as if in column; the guides, passing along the front-rank, will shift to their proper places, on the right and left of that rank.

350. In a column, by platoon, the countermarch will be executed by the same commands, and according to the same principles; the guide of each platoon will face about, and its chief will place himself by the side of the file on the right, to conduct it.

351. In a column, left in front, the countermarch will be executed by inverse commands and means, but according to the same principles.  Thus, the movement will be made by the right flank of subdivisions, if the right be in front, and by the left flank, if the left be in front; in both cases the subdivisions will wheel by file to the side of the front-rank.

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