144. The company being faced by the flank, and either in march, or at a halt, when the instructor shall wish to cause it to wheel by file, he will command:
1. By file, left (or right). 2. MARCH.
145. At the command march, the first file will wheel; if to the side of the front-rank man, the latter will take care not to turn at once, but to describe a short are of a circle, shortening a little the first five or six steps in order to give time to the fourth man of this file to conform himself to the movement. If the wheel be to the side of the rear-rank, the front-rank man will wheel in the step of twenty-eight inches, and the fourth man will conform himself to the movement by describing a short are of a circle, as has been explained. Each file will come to wheel on the same ground where that which preceded it wheeled.
146. The instructor will see that the wheel be executed according to these principles, in order that the distance between the files may always be preserved, and that there be no check or hindrance at the wheeling point.
To halt the company marching by the flank, and to face it to the front.
147. To effect these objectives, the instructor will command:
1. Company. 2. HALT. 3. FRONT.
148. The second and third commands will be executed as prescribed in the S. S., Nos. 370 and 371. As soon as the files have undoubled the rear-rank will close to its proper distance. The captain and covering sergeant, as well as the left guide, if the march be by the left flank, will return to their habitual places in line, at the instant the company faces to the front.
149. The instructor may then align the company by one of the means prescribed No. 100.